

Keck may refer to:


* Charles Keck (1875-1951), U.S. sculptor.
* Stan Keck (1897-1951), U.S. football player.
* William Myron Keck (1880-1964), U.S. founder of Superior Oil Company, best known for creating the W. M. Keck Foundation.
* David D. Keck (1903-1995), U.S. botanist.
* Howard B. Keck (1913-1996), son and successor of W. M. Keck.
* Kevin Keck (born 1973), U.S. essayist and poet.
* Tinker Keck (born 1976), U.S. sportsman.


There are several projects associated with the W. M. Keck Foundation bearing the name Keck:
*The W. M. Keck Observatory at the Mauna Kea in Hawaii.
*The Keck School of Medicine of USC at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, California.
*The Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences in Claremont, California.
*The Keck Joint Science Department operated jointly by Claremont McKenna College, Scripps College, and Pitzer College, also in Claremont.


* 5811 Keck, an asteroid.
* In the science fiction universe of the TV show Stargate SG-1, in Goa'uld language Keck is a word meaning both weakness and death.
* "Kecks" are a slang term for trousers (or underpants etc)

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  • Keck — Keck, n. An effort to vomit; queasiness. [R.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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