JASO FC is a performance quality classification for two stroke engine oil, for engines of Japanese origin.

Oils are granted the JASO FC certification by the Japanese Automotive Standards Organization, under the test sequence M345. JASO FC is the highest rating for 2-stroke oils. JASO FC oils leave little deposits and create very little smoke. They also pass lubricant and detergent tests. A JASO FC oil will have a rectangular seal. In the upper quarter of the rectangle will be a serial number and the lower three quarters will just have the letters M.

Again, there is an official JASO seal if the oil has been independently tested. The seal is a rectangle; in the upper quarter of the rectangle will be a serial number, and the lower three quarters will just have the letters MA.JASO FC -has now been superseded as the highest rating by JASO FD.

JASO FA – original spec established regulating lubricity, detergency, initial torque, exhaust smoke and exhaust system blocking.

JASO FB – increased lubricity, detergency, exhaust smoke and exhaust system blocking requirements over FA.

JASO FC – lubricity and initial torque requirements same as FB, however far higher detergency, exhaust smoke and exhaust system blocking requirements over FB.

JASO FD - same as FC with far higher detergency requirement.

External links

* [http://www.ipone.fr/1/1.7.php?lang=2 Ipone]
* [http://www.atvoutdoors.net/default.asp?ContentID=23&CategoryID=2 ATV Outdoors]

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