Jim Horning

Jim Horning

James J. "Jim" Horning is an American computer scientist and ACM Fellow.

Jim Horning received a PhD in computer science from Stanford University in 1969 for a thesis entitled "A Study of Grammatical Inference." He was a founding member, and later Chairman, of the "Computer Systems Research Group" at the University of Toronto, Canada (1969–1977). He was then a Research Fellow at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC, 1977–1984) and a founding member and Senior Consultant at DEC Systems Research Center (DEC/SRC, 1984–1996). He was founder and director of STAR Lab (1997–2001) at InterTrust Technologies Corp. Horning is currently Chief Scientist of the Information Systems Security Operation of SPARTA, Inc.

Horning's interests include programming languages, programming methodology, specification, formal methods, digital rights management and computer/network security. A major contribution was his involvement with the Larch approach to formal specification with John Guttag (MIT) "et al."

elected publications

* "Larch: Languages and Tools for Formal Specification", Springer-Verlag (1993). ISBN 0387940065
* "A Compiler Generator", Prentice Hall (1970). ISBN 0-13-155077-2.
* Peter Denning, Jim Horning, David Parnas, and Lauren Weinstein, "Wikipedia risks", "Communications of the ACM" 48(12):152, December 2005. doi|10.1145/1101779.1101804

External links

* [http://www.horning.net/ Home page]
* [http://home.comcast.net/~jhorning4/cv.html Curriculum Vitae]

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