Area code 340

Area code 340

The area code (340) is the local telephone area code of U.S. Virgin Islands. The (340) area code was created during a split from the original (809) area code which was done on or around the date June, 1997.

When in the U.S. Virgin Islands, use the seven digits alone. When calling to the U.S. Virgin Islands from anywhere in the United States or Canada simply dial 1(340) + seven digit phone number.

ee also

*List of NANP area codes
*North American Numbering Plan
*Area codes in the Caribbean
* [ North American Numbering Plan Administrator]

Area Code Box 3 | State = U.S. Virgin Islands | This = Area code 340
N = 441
S = Caribbean Sea
W = 787/939
E = 284
S1=Bermuda|S2=British Virgin Islands|S3=Puerto Rico

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