Forum Clodii

Forum Clodii

Forum Clodii, a post station on the Via Clodia, about 23 miles (37 km) northwest of Rome (not 32 miles as in the Antonine Itinerary), situated above the western bank of the Lacus Sabatinus (now know as Lake Bracciano), and connected with the Via Cassia at Vacanae by a branch road which ran round the north side of the lake (Ann. Inst., 1859, 43). The site is marked by the church of SS. Marcus, Marcianus and Liberatus, which was founded in the 8th or 9th century AD. Inscriptions mentioning the Foro Clodienses have come to light on the spot; and an inscription of the Auguslan period, which probably stood over the door of a villa, calls the place Pausilypona name justified by the beauty of the site.

See Notizie degli scavi (1889), 5; D. Vaglieri, ibid. (1895), 342.



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