Randy Gordon

Randy Gordon

Randolph I. Gordon is a Democratic lawyer from Bellevue, Washington. In 2005, he ran an exploratory campaign to see if he should try and unseat U.S. Representative Dave Reichert in Washington's 8th District. He dropped out of the race on January 5, 2006. He owns his own law firm, Gordon Edmunds Elder PLLC [http://www.gee-law.com] , in Bellevue, Washington and is an Adjunct Professor at Seattle University School of Law.

Early life

Randy Gordon was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1953 [http://www.wsba.org/info/bog/randygallery.htm]


*1975 B.A. University of Michigan with High Honors and High Distinction
*1978 J.D. Harvard Law School


In 1978 he started his law practice at the law firm Riddell, Williams, Bullitt & Walkinshaw of Seattle, Washington [http://www.cascade-law.com/randy-gordon.html] . He was a principal in the law firm Casey Gordon Davis, P.S. from 1983 to 2002. This practice emphasized trial practice, business and commercial litigation, products liability and plaintiff personal injury, toxic tort and chemical exposure litigation, mediation and arbitration, court-appointed special master. In 1995, he was the appellants' counsel in Birklid v. Boeing, 127 Wn.2d 853, a landmark case where he represented seventeen workers that were exposed to toxic phenol compound fumes. The case determined that knowledge of a hazardous condition constitutes 'deliberate intention' [http://www.wsba.org/media/publications/barnews/archives/2000/nov-00-deliberate.htm] . Since 2002, he is a principal of the Bellevue, Washington law firm Gordon Edmunds Elder PLLC [http://www.gee-law.com] where his specialties are Mediation and Arbitration, Civil Litigation, Personal Injury Law, Toxic Exposure Law, and Products Liability. [http://www.gee-law.com] ; [http://www.morelaw.com/lawyers/practice/ToxicExposure.asp]

He has taught as an Adjunct Professor at the Seattle University School of Law since 1999, where he specializes in products liability [http://lawschool.westlaw.com/manage/HomePage.asp?NavChoice=mycourses&task=coursehomepage&courseid=9858&app
] and remedies. [http://lawschool.westlaw.com/manage/HomePage.asp?NavChoice=mycourses&task=coursehomepage&courseid=12331&app
] [http://www.law.seattleu.edu/faculty/profiles/adjunct/gordonr1?mode=standard]

Pro-Bono Work

*Randy Gordon, Paul Lehto and John Wells are asking King County Superior court to void Sequoia's contract which has effectively allowed them to conduct elections. Gordon argues that by outsourcing voting to a private company which keeps its process secret, the individual's right to an election process that is transparent and observable is being abridged. Gordon is seeking a refund of $5 million for Snohomish County for 1000 voting machines. [http://www.votersunite.org/info/lehtolawsuit.asp] [http://www.realchangenews.org/archive3/2005_04_27/current/news1.html]
*Eastside Legal Assistance Program (volunteer lawyer)
*American String Project (board member)
*Pacific Northwest Ballet (member of the Barre)
*Eastside YMCA (Parent-Child Program leader)
*Washington State Karate Association (Counsel)
*USA-National Karate-do Federation (Presiding Officer of National Board of Review; General Counsel)
*Washington State Bar Association (Special District Counsel)
*Hearing Officer; Governor, 8th Congressional District)
*Lake Bellevue Water Quality Association; and others.

Honors and Awards

*Invited on three occasions in the last five years to give the Commencement Address to the graduating case
*2000, 2001, 2003 Outstanding Faculty Award
*Board of Student Advisers
*The Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review
*Founded the still extant orientation program at Harvard Law School 1977
*Phi Beta Kappa in his junior year at University of Michigan 1974
*Branstrom Prize 1972
*Bain-Swiggett Prize for poetry
*James B. Angell Scholar [seven semesters] at University of Michigan College of Literature, Science & the Arts
*1998 Public Justice Award
*2001 Professionalism Award
*2001 President's Award
*2005 Rising Star of the Democratic Party
*Three times received the Washington Law & Politics "Super Lawyer" award by peer selection
* Article Accepted for Publication and Published in Seattle Journal for Social Justice (Spring/Summer 2006, Vol. 4, Issue 2) [www.law.seattleu.edu/sjsj] entitled: "A TALE OF TWO INITIATIVES: Where Propaganda Meets Fact in the Debate Over America’s Health Care" [http://www.gee-law.com/files/RIG%20Social%20Justice.TIF]


* [http://www.wsba.org/media/publications/barnews/archives/2001/mar-01-proud1.htm Proud to be a Lawyer] Randy Gordon, Seattle University School of Law Commencement Address, Seattle, Washington, December 16, 2000.
* [http://www.wsba.org/media/publications/barnews/archives/2002/may-02-proud.htm Proud to be a Lawyer] Randy Gordon, Seattle University School of Law Commencement Address, Seattle, Washington, December 22, 2001
* [http://www.randygordonforcongress.com/etc/mso4961.pdf Commencement Address] Randy Gordon, Seattle University School of Law Commencement Address, Seattle, Washington, December 20, 2003

Memberships and Affiliations

*East King County Bar Association (Trustee, Vice President, President)
*King County Bar Association (East King County Trustee)
*Washington State Trial Lawyers Association (Governor, 8th District; Liaison to State Bar)
*Washington State Bar Association [Governor, 8th District] (2003-2005)
*Bellevue Kiwanis


*Randy Gordon, divorced, has two daughters, Katie and Becky, and a step daughter Brittany.

External links

* [http://www.gee-law.com/ Randy Gordon, principal in Gordon Edmunds Elder PLLC law firm]
* [http://www.randygordonforcongress.com/ Randy Gordon for Congress]
* [http://www.wsba.org/info/bog/randygallery.htm the Randy Gordon Photo Gallery]
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/states/election.asp?State=WA Washington Congressional Races in 2006]
* [http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/200633_moveon22.html MoveOn brings activists together to set a course for the future] Tracy Johnson "Seattle Post-Intelligencer", November 22, 2004
* [http://www.kingcountyjournal.com/sited/story/html/217330 Reichert faces competition for 8th District seat] Dean A. Radford "King County Journal" September 14, 2005
* [http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2002493383_burner14e.html 2 Democrats enter race for Congress] Ashley Bach "Seattle Times" September 14, 2005
* [http://www.thenewstribune.com/news/northwest/story/5178565p-4708082c.html Two Democrats already have Reichert in their sights] The Associated Press "the News Tribune"September 15, 2005
* [http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/241227_gdems19.html Democrats aim to pick up more seats in Congress State's majority party goes on the offensive against Republicans] David Ammons "Seattle Post-Intelligencer" September 19, 2005
* [http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/connelly/251676_joel12.html Eyeing races for control of U.S. House] Joel Connelly, "Seattle Post-Intelligencer", December 12, 2005.

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