- Fabio Maniscalco
Fabio Maniscalco (Naples
1 August ,1965 -1 February ,2008 ) was an Italianarchaeologist , specialist about the protection of cultural property and essayist.Biography
Fabio Maniscalco was born in
Naples ,Italy . He was an archaeologist who worked as a professor of "protection of cultural property" [http://www.unior.it/DIDATTICA/facolta/s_islamici/inizio.htm] and of "underwater archaeology" [http://www.unina2.it/lettere/] at theUniversity of Naples and at the "Istituto per lo Sviluppo, la Formazione e la Ricerca nel Mediterraneo". Moreover he was selected Professor (of 'clear fame'), of "Safeguard of cultural heritage", at "Institute of Archaeology of Academy of Sciences of Albania ". [http://www.mediterraneomarnero.it/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=124&Itemid=99999999]Ex Officer of the Italian Army [ cite news | title = Soldati di leva per proteggere le opere d'arte | publisher =
Corriere della Sera | date =April 29 1998 ] he has created and directed the Teams for the safeguard of cultural property inBosnia and Herzegovina (1995-1996) [ cite news | title = Press officer of the Italian Army engaged in the protection of cultural heritage in Bosnia | publisher =BBC | date = March 1996 ] [ cite news | title = Il sottotenente archeologo tra le bombe: Con le piume sul cappello per salvare le opere d'arte | publisher =Il Messaggero | date =December 29 1996 ] [cite news | title = Beni culturali da salvare nelle guerre | publisher =La Stampa | date =April 15 1997 ] and inAlbania [ cite news | title = Istituito un nucleo speciale dell'Ottavo Reggimento: I bersaglieri a guardia dei tesori di Albania | publisher =Il Roma | date =July 30 1997 ] . Fabio Maniscalco has been the first Officer in the world to have put into effect the rules of the 1954Hague Convention [ cite news | title = Per la prima volta un esercito in missione applica la convenzione dell'Aja sulla salvaguardia del patrimonio artistico. Indiana Jones esiste ed è italiano | publisher =Il Giornale d'Italia | date =April 29 1998 ] .Since 1998 Fabio Maniscalco is Director of the
Observatory for Protection of Cultural Heritage in Areas of Crisis [http://web.tiscalinet.it/osservatoriobc] . [ cite news | title = Aree di crisi: beni culturali sotto controllo | publisher =Il Giornale dell'arte | date =July 10 2001 ] . He has directed projects and activities, about protection of cultural property, inBosnia and Herzegovina ,Kosovo ,Albania ,Middle East ,Algeria ,Nigeria ,Afghanistan .Professor Maniscalco was editor of the monographic collection
Mediterraneum. Protection and Exploitation of Cultural and Environmental Heritage [http://www.massaeditore.com/mediterraneum.htm] ; director of the scientific journalWeb Journal on Cultural Patrimony [http://www.webjournal.unior.it/] and co-director of the monographic collection “Studi di Storia e topografia sulla Campania romana".Fabio Maniscalco was member of the scientific committee and essayist of the periodical journal "
Archeologia Viva ". Moreover he is member of the scientific committees of the academic journals “International Research Journal of Arts and Humanities” (University of Sindh, Pakistan) [http://www.usindh.edu.pk/irjah.html] and of "Restauro Archeologico (University of Florence).In the year 2007, because of the exposure to the depleded uranium Fabio Maniscalco fell ill with an anomalous and rare shape of adenocarcinoma of the pancreas [ cite news | title = Fabio Maniscalco: Emblématique | publisher =
Courrier International | date =May 10-15 2007 ] [ cite news | title = Reportage about Fabio Maniscalco | publisher =ZDF German Television | date = June 2007 ] [ cite news | title = Intervista a Fabio Maniscalco di Paolo Di Giannantonio | publisher =TG1 RAI | date =June 14 2007 ] [ cite news | cite news | title = L'archeologo che lotta contro l'uranio impoverito | publisher =La Stampa | date =April 25 2007 | cite news | title = Il tenente archeologo candidato al Nobel, che lotta contro l'Uranio | publisher =Panorama.it | date =May 23 2007 ] [cite news|title=Primo Piano: L'ex ufficiale "Dopo Sarajevo ho scritto un libro su quel rischio e ora combatto per la vita con la chemioterapia|publisher=Il Corriere della Sera |date=10 ottobre 2007] [http://www.striscialanotizia.mediaset.it/video/2007/05/12/video_5518.shtml?adsl] . <Awards and Memberships
Fabio Maniscalco has received many awards for his literary activity. In particular, he has received a Prize from the Italian "Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri" for the book
Sarajevo . "Itinerari artistici perduti" [ cite news | title = Il Papa e Prodi premiano Fabio Maniscalco, soldato e studioso dell'arte jugoslava | publisher =Il Corriere di Caserta | date =March 19 1998 ] [ cite news | title = Premio culturale all'ufficiale Maniscalco | publisher =Il Giornale di Napoli | date =March 18 1998 ] and theICCROM -UNESCO Prize "Media Save Art" for his articles about protection of Kosovo's cultural property. Moreover, he has received the prizes "Friend of Art 2007" fromLegambiente and "Safeguard of Cultural Heritage" from the "Borsa Mediterranea del Turismo Archeologico". In 1997 Fabio Maniscalco was decorated by the President of ItalyOscar Luigi Scalfaro for his activity in the field of safeguard of cultural property. He was decorated, with NATO and Italian medals because he was officer during the peace-keeping missionsI.FOR andS.FOR , in Bosnia and Herzegovina andAlba , in Albania.Professor Maniscalco was V.President of the Italian "Committee of the Blue Shield", [http://www.provincia.asti.it/hosting/moncalvo/cisb_01.htm] and member of the scientific committees of the
Observatory Euro-Mediterranean and the Black Sea [http://www.mediterraneomarnero.it/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=346&Itemid=31] and of the "Museo della Nave Romana di Grado" (Italian Ministry for Cultural heritage".Moreover, he was member of the "International Council on Monuments and Sites" (ICOMOS) and honorary member of: "Italian Union of the European Writers and Artists" (UIL); "Italian Association of Archaeologists" and "Forum per la Laguna di Venezia".He died in Naples on
1 February 2008 , for complications due to his rare shape of adenocarcinoma of the pancreas.Bibliography
Books on protection of cultural property
* Fabio Maniscalco, "World Heritage and War", (2006) [http://www.massaeditore.com/worldheritage.htm] .
* Fabio Maniscalco, "Protection of Nigerian Cultural Property" (2006)
* Fabio Maniscalco (editor), "Protection, Conservation and Exploitation of Palestinian Cultural Heritage", (2005).
* Fabio Maniscalco, "Protection of Cultural property in Algeria", (2003).
*Fabio Maniscalco (editor), "Protection of Cultural Heritage in War Areas", (2002).
*Fabio Maniscalco (editor), "La tutela dei beni culturali in Italia",(2002).
*Fabio Maniscalco, "Kosovo and Metohija 1998-2000", (2000).
*Fabio Maniscalco, "Furti d'Autore. La tutela del patrimonio culturale mobile napoletano dal dopoguerra alla fine del XX secolo", (2000).
*Fabio Maniscalco, "Jus Praedae", (1999).
*Fabio Maniscalco, "Frammenti di storia venduta. I tesori di Albania", (1998).
* Fabio Maniscalco, "Sarajevo: itinerari artistici perduti", (1997).Books on underwater archaeology
*Fabio Maniscalco (editor),"Protection, Conservation and Valorization of underwater cultural Property", 2004.
*Fabio Maniscalco, Piero Alfredo Gianfrotta (editors), "Forma Maris. Forum internazionale di archeologia subacquea", (2001).
*Fabio Maniscalco, "Fondamenti di archeologia subacquea", (1998).
*Fabio Maniscalco, "Ninfei ed edifici marittimi severiani del Palatium imperiale di Baia", (1997).
*Fabio Maniscalco, "Il nuoto nel mondo greco-romano", (1995).
*Fabio Maniscalco, "Archeologia Subacquea", (1992).Other
Fabio Maniscalco has published more than 200 papers, in international journals and books, and numerous Appeals for the safeguard of Cultural Property in areas of crisis [ cite news | title = Un appello per salvare i tesori archeologici | publisher =
La Stampa | date =April 15 2003 ] [ cite news | title = Un'iniziativa di Fabio Maniscalco: Tesori d'arte razziati a Baghdad. Appello al mondo dall'Orientale | publisher =Il Mattino | date =April 15 2003 ] [ cite news | title = Da Napoli un appello alla tutela dei tesori della Mesopotamia | publisher =Il Roma | date =April 5 2003 ] [ cite news | title = Appelli. Il professor Fabio Maniscalco a Israele e Libano: "Niente bombe sul patrimonio culturale nemico | publisher =Famiglia Cristiana | date =August 13 2006 cite news] .Notes
External links
* Observatory for Protection of Cultural Heritage in Areas of Crisis [http://web.tiscalinet.it/osservatoriobc]
* Web Journal on Cultural Patrimony [http://www.webjournal.unior.it]
* Mediterraneum. Protection and exploitation of cultural and environmental heritage [http://www.massaeditore.com/mediterraneum.htm]
* Osservatorio Euromediterraneo e mar Nero [http://www.mediterraneomarnero.it]
* I.S.Fo.R.M. [http://www.isform.eu]
* Massa Publisher [http://www.massaeditore.com/arte.htm]
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