

Patoruzú is a comic character created in 1928 by Dante Quinterno and is considered to be the most popular hero within Argentine comics. Patoruzú is a wealthy Tehuelche "cacique" with great state properties in Patagonia, and holder of both superhuman physical strength and a charitable yet naive heart.


Patoruzú first appeared on October 19 1928 in the "Las Aventuras de Don Gil Contento" strip in the "Crítica" newspaper, under the name of "Curugua Curuguagüigua"; "last cacique of the giant Tehuelches", of whom "Don Gil" becomes tutor. The name is soon changed, as it was too difficult to pronounce, to Patoruzú, after the popular candy of those days "Pasta de Orozú". Yet the strip is canceled by the newspaper only a few days after.

Later that year Dante Quinterno started working in La Razón newspaper with the strip "Don Julián de Monte Pío" (antecessor of another of Quinterno's popular characters: the playboy Isidoro Cañones). In September 1930, Patoruzú is again introduced into the strip when Don Julián becomes his tutor. Slowly, Patoruzú assumed greater importance in the strip, which on December 11, 1931 was renamed to "Patoruzú".

In 1935 Quinterno sold the publication rights to "El Mundo" newspaper, and the first recompilation of the adventures of the "cacique" was published. The strip was also published in other newspapers in other Argentine cities outside of Buenos Aires.

On November 1936 the first Patoruzú monthly magazine was released and completely sold out the same day. The magazine was then released fortnightly, and then weekly. The magazine reached a record of 300,000 copies, soon had to have its scripts and drawings made by a team, which was supervised by Quinterno.

On April 30, 1977 the 2045th and last issue of Patoruzú was released. Currently slightly adapted versions of the original are being published, as well as the new comic "Patoruzito", with the life of young Patoruzú.

In 1942 the 12 minute short film "Upa en apuros" was the first Argentine animated film done in colour.



Patoruzú is the last descendant of the Tehuelche fictional "Patoruzek" dynasty. The sources of his uncommon strength seem to be related to the way he was fed while a child, consisting of a soup cooked with bones of an extinct giant animal, but also to the strength of all his ancestors, which he receives whenever he faces injustice.

He is extremely generous and charitable but is often deceived by greedy characters, which at the end are always properly punished. In order to give him an aboriginal connotation, Patoruzú uses a lot of native expressions, though they have been taken from different tribes of Argentina, making them somehow incoherent. (e.g. Guaraní "gurí", Mapuche "Chei", etc.).

Isidoro Cañones

An uncorrectable playboy and stereotype of "porteño", he is supposed to be Patoruzú's tutor and look after him, but he spends most of his time trying to find new ways of getting more "patacones" bills from him, to spend them on parties, cars, and horses.


Patoruzú's teenage brother is shy and naive, yet more aware of the modern ways than his older brother. He has a big belly that he uses as a weapon whenever injustice is to be fought.


Patora is the youngest sister that lives in a convent in Patagonia, because her obsession for marriage makes her fall for the first guy she sees.

La Chacha

Patoruzú's nanny and milk mother lives in the "estancia" (ranch) far from any city. In spite of her age, she is vigorous and hard working. Her empanadas are very appreciated by the other characters.


Is the foreman of Patoruzú's "estancia". He is often in bad mood but Patoruzú respects and trust him.

Coronel Cañones

The "Colonel", a retired military man (excellent stereotype/parody of that kind of person) the uncle and tutor of Isidoro, is a very correct and respected person. He's always trying to straighten up his nephew.


Pampero (meaning "from the Pampa" is also a reference to a powerful Southern wind of the same name, in essence he "runs like the wind") is Patoruzú's faithful horse, one if not "the" fastest in the world. He responds only to Patoruzú's call.


This modern comic is set during the early years of the life of Patoruzú, with "Isidorito" (young Isidoro), "Patoruzito" (young Patoruzú) and his horse "Pamperito" (young Pampero).

External links

* [ Exclusive Página] (Spanish)
* [ Biography] (Spanish)
* [ Patoruzú: History and political analysis] (Spanish)
* [ Quinterno's work] (Spanish)
* [ Patoruzito film review] (Spanish)

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