Alberto Guani

Alberto Guani

Alberto Guani (1877–1956) was an Uruguayan jurist, diplomat and the Vice President from 1943 to 1947.


Alberto Guani was born in Montevideo in 1877. He studied law, and became a well-known lawyer specialised in International Law.


He entered the diplomatic service, and served as Uruguay's Plenipotentiary Minister in Austria-Hungary and Switzerland (1911), in Belgium and the Netherlands (1913), in France (1925–1926) and in the United Kingdom (1936–1938). Additionally, he served as Uruguay's representative at the League of Nations.

Political activities

In Uruguayan politics, he was a member of the Colorado Party.

President Alfredo Baldomir designated him Foreign Minister, and he served in that office from 1938 to 1943.

Vice President of Uruguay

In the November 1942 elections, he was selected running-mate of Juan José de Amézaga in the ticket of the majority faction of the Colorado Party. Duly elected, he was Uruguay's Vice President from 1943 to 1947, succeeding Alfredo Navarro in that office.

He was himself succeeded in 1947 by Luis Batlle Berres in the office of Vice President of Uruguay.

Historical note

Guani was the third person to hold the office of Vice President of Uruguay. The office dates from 1934, when César Charlone became Uruguay's first Vice President.

Death; legacy

Alberto Guani died in Montevideo in 1956.

Among the various holders of the historically intermittent office of Vice President of Uruguay, Guani arguably stands apart from most other holders in that he is chiefly remembered for his achievements (in his case, distinguished diplomacy) prior to taking the office. Unlike some other prominent office-holders, he has also relatively escaped criticism for having served the Administration of Gabriel Terra, who ruled by decree.

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