

Infobox NFL season
team = Philadelphia-Pittsburgh Eagles-Steelers
year = 1943
record = 5-4-1
division_place = 3rd Eastern Division
owner = Alexis Thompson, Art Rooney
coach = Greasy Neale, Walt Kiesling
stadium = Shibe Park, Forbes Field
playoffs = none
previous = 1942 Eagles
1942 Steelers
next = 1944 Eagles

The "Steagles" is the popular nickname for the team created by the temporary merger of two National Football League (NFL) teams, the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Philadelphia Eagles, during the 1943 season. The teams were forced to merge because both had lost many players to military service due to World War II.

Officially the team was known simply as the Eagles (without a city designation), the Eagles-Steelers, or the Steelers-Eagles. (The NFL never even registered "Steagles" as a trademark.) However, the official NFL record book refers to the team as "Phil-Pitt."


America entered World War II in 1941, with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Most of the young men who were of the age to play professional football were also of the age to fight for their country. The NFL lost 600 players, who marched off to war. Therefore at it's 1943 annual spring meeting, the NFL decided to play through the roster adversity for much the same reasons that Major League Baseball continued to play. While at war, the country needed some form of entertainment and sports were a much-needed diversion. This led to President Roosevelt issuing an inspirational decree on how important it was to the country for baseball to continue. He made no mention of football in that decree, since at the time, baseball far surpassed football as America's game, a trend that has since been reversed. However the public and the league felt that was good good for baseball, was good for football.

Draft Deferments

The young men who remained in the States to play football were deferred from the draft. On paper, the Steagles were a ragtag band of military draft rejects: aging stars and even active servicemen who managed to get leave for the games. There were basically three types of deferment that defined 1943 NFL players. The first group was called 3-As. If a man was supporting a family the draft board would not make him a priority. The government defined a 3-A as a father whose child/children was born or conceived prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor. The cutoff date for birth was September 15, 1942, precisely nine months and one week after Pearl Harbor. The second group consisted of those men who worked in the war industry, producing and preparing ammunition, weapons and materials. The third group (4-F'S) were those deemed physically unfit due to ailments such as ulcers, flat feet and even partial blindness. Most NFL football players wanted to join the war. In the early 1940s there was considered a patriotic duty to serve and fight for the country. Being classified as a 4-F was an embarrassment. Playing football and being ridiculed was added embarrassment. However there was a feeling that if guys could play football they could fight in the war. One Steagle and future Hall of Famer, Bill Hewitt, quit in the middle of the season. He couldn't take the ridicule and subsequent guilt feelings anymore. Hewitt was good enough to be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1971. However the players weren't making the decisions on who could or couldn't fight. Men with flat feet weren't drafted. They could lead normal lives and even play football, but the Army deemed that flat feet was not conducive to marching long distances. Similar reasons existed for other 4-F deferments. The Steagles' starting center was deaf in one ear. One starting defensive end was blind in one eye and nearly legally blind in the other. The Steagles tailback Johnny Butler, who made his first start one day after being ruled 4-F by his draft board for poor eyesight and bad knees.

The 1943 NFL Spring Meeting

Even with these deferments, NFL rosters were hurting. The Cleveland Rams suspended operations and the Pittsburgh Steelers had only six men left under contract while the Philadelphia Eagles had only sixteen. The 1943 NFL Draft didn't help much. Most players drafted went off to the war instead of joining NFL teams. The league nearly ceased operations before the 1943 season, but when the decision was made to continue, the league opted to tighten its belt.

Steelers' owner Art Rooney knew that the league needed at least eight teams to survive. Rooney's idea was to merge with the Eagles. This idea came quickly to him since two years earlier he thought about combing the two teams into the Pennsylvania Keystoners. Eagles' owner Alexis Thompson, who was serving in the US Army as a corporal, was not as keen on the plan since he at least had 16 players under contract. However Thompson remembered how Rooney in 1941 swapped cities with him, allowing him to keep the Eagles in Philadelphia, close to his New York City home. This led to an agreement on combining the teams.

However the league only approved the plan by a slim vote of 5-4. After approving the merger, the league then stated that the merger would expire as soon as the regular season ended, keeping the Pittsburgh/Philadelphia combination out of any playoffs. This was based upon fears expressed by the other owners that the merger would produce a team with an unfair advantage. The merger had a slight lean in favor of Philadelphia based on stipulations imposed by Thompson. The team would be known as the Philadelphia Eagles and be based in Philly. Rooney had very little leverage, bringing only six players to the table. However he was successful in landing two home games in Pittsburgh, while Philadelphia would host four. The team was also to wear the Eagles' green and white colors instead of Pittsburgh's black and gold. This event officially marked the only time in the Steelers history that the team colors were something other than black and gold. The league also stated that helmets were mandated for the first time and that the league would expand in 1944, with the Boston Yanks paying $50,000 for entry into the league.

The 1943 Season

The Philadelphia Eagles began training camp with Philadelphia's Greasy Neale and Pittsburgh's Walt Kiesling serving as co-head coaches since both head coaches refused to accept a demotion. This led to several problems. The first being that the two men hated each other. Secondly even Kiesling's own players didn't like him so asking the Eagles players to like him was too much to ask. However Neale took advantage when Kiesling was delayed en route to the Steagles' first and only pre-season training camp in Philadelphia. By the time Keisling arrived, Neale already had the offense learning the T-formation, which was all the rage in those days because of its success in college football by Frank Leahy at Notre Dame and for Red Blaik at Army. This conflict led to Neale serving as the team's offensive coordinator while Kiesling served as the defensive coordinator. They would then split head coaching duties. According to defensive back Ernie Steele, the situation between the two coaches got so bad that Kiesling and Neale walked off the field after a heated argument in practice the Friday before a game. They returned for the game, but the players were nonetheless stunned. However after the Steagles' in 1944, Pittsburgh continued using the T-formation that Neale installed through 1952, becoming the last NFL team to ever use it as its primary offensive set.

Another difficult issue that at the time, was that the Steelers and Eagles were bitter interstate rivals, much like the NHL's Pittsburgh Penguins-Philadelphia Flyers rivalry of today, and usually ended up at near the bottom of standings each year. Also due the war effort, the Steagles players are believed to be the only members of an American professional sports franchise who were not only encouraged but required to hold full-time jobs, in addition to playing pro football. Playing football was seen as an extracurricular activity. All of the 25 players on the roster kept full-time jobs in defense plants. One of Pittsburgh's players, Ted Doyle, worked at Westinghouse Electric and figured out later that his work assisted the Manhattan Project, which was America's effort to build the first atomic bomb, according to Matthew Algeo's book Last Team Standing.

As the season got underway, fans and newspapers began calling the team the Steagles, a combination of Steelers and Eagles. It had a nice ring to it and was fair to both cities. Steagles eventually became the common name used for the team throughout most of the country. Except in Philly, where the writers and even the team insisted on being called the Philadelphia Eagles. According to the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Chet Smith the sports editor of the Pittsburgh Press initially called the team the Steagles

Slowly, the team began to come together, united by hard work, shared sacrifice, and teamwork. The Steagles jumped out to a 2-0 start after defeating the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants at Shibe Park. During the New York game the Steagles fumbled the ball a record 10 times, but managed to win 28-14. The Steagles record of 10 fumbles in game by 1 team is still in existance today. The squad of outcasts and misfits then banded together and managed to shockingly tie the defending champion Washington Redskins in their first meeting, and even defeated the'Skins in their second meeting. The team stumbled on the road and after seven games was 3-3-1. However the team regrouped during two games at Pittsburgh's Forbes Field, which were wins over the Chicago Cardinals on Halloween Night and over the Detroit Lions on Nov. 21. The team's final game was played in front of 35,000 fans at Shibe Park against Don Hutson and the Green Bay Packers Green Bay would go on to win the game 38-28.



The players that made up the Steagles, often ridiculed for their draft deferments, helped keep the NFL alive. They may not have been soldiers at war, but in their own small way, these men were heroic. They gave the nation something to cheer about in its darkest hours. The Steagles, a joke and punch line at the start of the season, beat the odds and posted a winning record of 5-4-1 in 1943, however the merger was dissolved the day the season ended, as it was not intended to be permanent. However the Steagles 1943 season was the first winning season in the history of the Philadelphia franchise and just the second in the history of the Pittsburgh franchise.

The next season, 1944, the NFL was back on solid footing. The Army had declared that it had enough soldiers and men over 26 years of age would not be drafted. Though the league had another problem. With the Cleveland Rams back in operation, the expansion Boston team in the fold and the Eagles and Steelers back in their separate ways, the NFL had 11 teams which created a nightmare with divisions and scheduling. NFL Commissioner Elmer Layden begged for two teams to combine again in 1944. Ten teams made for a perfect league and eleven seemed impossible. The Steelers were still short of players due to the war. Pittsburgh owner, Art Rooney, was so unhappy with the "Phil-Pitt" arrangement that he merged with the Chicago Cardinals for the 1944 season, creating a team known as Card-Pitt (derisively called "carpet" due to going winless, and the commentary that "every team walked all over them").

The Eagles, now having enough players back from the war, resumed their traditional operation and continued under Neale, who would take home back-to-back coach of the year awards as Philadelphia won consecutive NFL championships in 1948 and 1949.

Individually, the Steagles' Jack Hinkle ended the season with 571 rushing yards. He lost the rushing title to New York's Bill Paschal by one yard. Against those very Giants Hinkle was not given credit for a 37-yard run (they gave it to Johnny Butler). Hinkle did not complain about not winning the NFL rushing crown. He figured with a war going on there were better things to cry about. Tony Bova, a half-blind 4-F, led the team in receiving with 417 yards.

Popular Culture

A book by Matthew Algeo on the history of the team, called "Last Team Standing: How the Steelers and the Eagles—"The Steagles"—Saved Pro Football During World War II" (ISBN 0-306-81472-2), was published by Da Capo Press on September 30, 2006.

The 1971 film "The Steagle" starring Richard Benjamin takes its name from the Steagles football team. In the opening scene, the protagonist of the film, a bookish college professor, explains the history and meaning of the term to a pair of loudly arguing sports fans on a commuter train, and draws an admiring look from an attractive Asian woman who is a fellow passenger. The film concerns the personality change which overcomes the protagonist during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, and the film's title impliedly references the transient nature of the Steagles team, existing for only one brief season during a national crisis.

60th Anniversary

The Steelers celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Steagles on August 17, 2003 during the pregame and halftime ceremonies at Heinz Field.

Six of the nine surviving members of that team were honored at halftime. Those members were quarterback Allie Sherman, running back and defensive back Ernie Steele, center Ray Graves, and tackles Al Wistert, Vic Sears, and Bucko Kilroy. End Tom Miller, tackle Ted Doyle and halfback John Hinkle were unable to attend.

In addition the Steelers recreated the Steagles era in their "Turn Back the Clock" ceremonies, including broadcasting in black and white on the Jumbotron and airing World War II footage during the national anthem. All live entertainment reflected the 1940s. During the festivities the Steelers gave each of the six members a replica Steagles jersey to wear. The jerseys worn by honorees were later given back to the Steelers and sold to help benefit a local charity.

1943 regular season results


Game Summaries

= Week 3 (Saturday October 2, 1943): Brooklyn Dodgers =

Linescore Amfootball
"at Shibe Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania"

* Game time:
* Game weather:
* Game attendance: 11,131
* Referee:

Scoring Drives:

* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - FG Zimmerman 32
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Butler 10 run (Zimmerman kick)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Steele 10 run (Zimmerman kick)

Week 4 (Saturday, October 9, 1943): New York Giants

Linescore Amfootball
"at Shibe Park, Philadelphia, PA"

* Game time:
* Game weather:
* Game attendance: 15,340
* Referee:

Scoring Drives:

* New York - Younce 30 interception (Cuff kick)
* New York - Paschal 1 run (Cuff kick)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Steele 1 run (Zimmerman kick)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Thurbon 11 pass from Zimmerman (Zimmerman kick)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Miller 31 pass from Zimmerman (Zimmerman kick)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Sherman 4 run (Pascka kick)

Week 5 (Sunday October 17, 1943): Chicago Bears

Linescore Amfootball
"at Wrigley Field, Chicago, Illinois"

* Game time:
* Game weather:
* Game attendance: 21,744
* Referee:

Scoring Drives:

* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Steele 60 pass from Zimmerman (Zimmerman kick)
* Chicago - Magnani 96 kick return (Snyder kick)
* Chicago - Wilson 16 pass from Luckman (Snyder kick)
* Chicago - Magnani 13 run (Snyder kick)
* Chicago - Nolting 3 run (Snyder kick)
* Chicago - McEnulty 10 pass from Luckman (Snyder kick)
* Chicago - Clark 81 fumble run (Snyder kick)
* Chicago - Pool 17 pass from Luckman (kick failed)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Bova 51 pass from Zimmerman (Zimmerman kick)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Butler 1 run (Zimmerman kick)

Week 6 (Sunday October 24, 1943): New York Giants

Linescore Amfootball
"at Polo Grounds, New York, New York"

* Game time:
* Game weather:
* Game attendance: 42,681
* Referee:

Scoring Drives:

* New York - Adams 34 blocked punt return (Cuff kick)
* New York - Walls 31 pass from Nix (Cuff kick)
* New York - Paschal 4 run (Cuff kick)
* New York - Liebel 6 pass from Leemans (Cuff kick)
* New York - Blozis 35 blocked punt return (Cuff kick)
* New York - Paschal 1 run (Cuff kick)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Kish 4 pass from Sherman (Laux kick)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Wukits 2 fumble run (Laux kick)

Week 7 (Sunday October 31, 1943): Chicago Cardinals

Linescore Amfootball
"at Forbes Field, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania"

* Game time:
* Game weather:
* Game attendance: 16,351
* Referee:

Scoring Drives:

* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Kish 86 Interception (Zimmerman kick)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Bova 31 pass from Zimmerman (Zimmerman kick)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Hinkle fumble recovery in end zone (Zimmerman kick)
* Chicago Cardinals - Currivan 35 pass from Masters (kick failed)
* Chicago Cardinals - Hall 67 pass from Cahill (Stokes kick)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Thurbon 3 run (kick failed)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Bova 26 pass from Zimmerman (Zimmerman kick)

Week 8 (Sunday November 7, 1943): Washington Redskins

Linescore Amfootball
"at Shibe Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania"

* Game time:
* Game weather:
* Game attendance: 28,893
* Referee:

Scoring Drives:

* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Cabrelli 24 interception (Zimmerman kick)
* Washington - Moore 25 pass from Baugh
* Washington - Rymkus 4 blocked punt return (Masterson kick)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Steele 35 pass from Zimmerman (Zimmerman kick)

= Week 9 (Sunday November 14, 1943): Brooklyn Dodgers =

Linescore Amfootball
"at Ebbets Field, Brooklyn, New York"

* Game time:
* Game weather:
* Game attendance: 7,614
* Referee:

Scoring Drives:

* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Thurbon 3 run (Paschka kick)
* Brooklyn -Manders 2 run (Kinard kick)
* Brooklyn - Condit 65 pass from Heineman (kick failed)

Week 10 (Sunday November 21, 1943): Detroit Lions

Linescore Amfootball
"at Forbes Field, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania"

* Game time:
* Game weather:
* Game attendance: 23,338
* Referee:

Scoring Drives:

* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Butler 4 run (Zimmerman kick)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Hinkle 1 run (Zimmerman kick)
* Detroit - Mathews 98 kick return (Lio kick)
* Detroit - Hopp 88 run (kick failed)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Thurbon 2 run (Zimmerman kick)
* Detroit - Hackney 7 run (Lio kick)
* Detroit - Hopp 88 lateral from Mathews (Lio kick)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Cabrelli 7 pass from Zimmerman (Zimmerman kick)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Zimmerman 2 run (Zimmerman kick)
* Detroit - Van Tone 71 pass from Fenenbock (Lio kick)

Week 11 (Sunday November 28, 1943): Washington Redskins

Linescore Amfootball
"at Griffith Stadium, Washington, DC"

* Game time:
* Game weather:
* Game attendance: 38,826
* Referee:

Scoring Drives:

* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Thurbon 6 run (Zimmerman kick)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Thurbon 5 run (Zimmerman kick)
* Washington - Masterson 4 pass from Baugh
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Steele 47 run (kick failed)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Hinkle 1 run (Zimmerman kick)
* Washington - Aguirre 12 pass from Baugh (Aguirre kick)

Week 12 (Sunday December 5, 1943): Green Bay Packers

Linescore Amfootball
"at Shibe Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania"

* Game time:
* Game weather:
* Game attendance: 34,294
* Referee:

Scoring Drives:

* Green Bay - Canadeo 35 run (Hutson kick)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Hinkle 38 run (Zimmerman kick)
* Green Bay - Canadeo 13 pass from Brock (Hutson kick)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Bova 48 pass from Zimmerman (Zimmerman kick)
* Green Bay - FG Hutson 25
* Green Bay - Comp 4 run (Hutson kick)
* Green Bay - Hutson 12 pass from Comp (Hutson kick)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Bova 13 pass from Sherman (Zimmerman kick)
* Philadelphia-Pittsburgh - Steele 4 run (Zimmerman kick)
* Green Bay - Hutson 23 pass from Comp (Hutson kick)


* [ Steagles: When the Steelers and Eagles were One in the Same]
* [ Steagles to be Honored]
* [ Blood Brothers: The 1943 Steagles became an unlikely product of the war years]
* [ The 'Steagles,' a ragtag NFL team that involved Greasy Neale]
* [ World War II Steagles to be honored at tonight's game] ]
* [,-QUOTES-&-ANECDOTES Fox Sports on MSN: Amazing Sports Stories]

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