Playa del Inglés

Playa del Inglés

Playa del Inglés (Spanish for "Englishman's Beach") is a town in the south coast of the island of Gran Canaria. Playa del Inglés is part of the municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana. It has a nice long beach made of tall sand dunes that come from the Sahara desert, and is connected with other beach towns including San Agustín and Maspalomas in the touristic centre of the island. The population was 17,158 in 2002, and growing. Hotels, restaurants, taverns and villas are aligned with its beach.

Playa del Inglés is linked with the old highway linking Puerto de Mogán and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and with the GC1 superhighway with an interchange to the north. Until the arrival of tourism, agriculture was the main industry in the area. Currently, after tourism, the leading industries are business and agriculture. The mountains can be seen to the north.

Nearest places

*San Agustín


*Playa del Inglés has schools, lyceums (secondary or high schools), gymnasiums, churches, banks and plazas.
*Playa del Inglés is a popular tourist attraction.

External links

* [ Playa del Ingles UK holiday guide]

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