- Amphidamas
Amphidamas may refer to both historical and mythological figures in
ancient Greece :Mythology
Amphidamas is the name of six men in
Greek mythology .1. Amphidamas, son of
Aleus andCleobule . He was one of theArgonauts , along with his brother Cepheus. [Hyginus, Fabulae, 14 [http://www.theoi.com/Text/HyginusFabulae1.html] ]2. Amphidamas, father of
Nausidame . Nausidame boreHelios a son,Augeas . [Hyginus, Fabulae, 14 [http://www.theoi.com/Text/HyginusFabulae1.html] ]3. Amphidamas, son of
Lycurgus by eitherCleophyle orEurynome . Amphidamas had two children:Melanion andAntimache , who marriedEurystheus . [Apollodorus, Library, 3.9.2 [http://www.theoi.com/Text/Apollodorus3.html] ]4. Amphidamas, son of
Busiris , king ofEgypt . He was killed, alongside his father, byHeracles . [Apollodorus, Library, 2.5.11 [http://www.theoi.com/Text/Apollodorus2.html#5] ]5. Amphidamas, father of
Clitonymus , who was killed byPatroclus over a game of dice [Apollodorus, Library, 3.13.8 [http://www.theoi.com/Text/Apollodorus3.html] ]6. Amphidamas, one of the men hidden in the
Trojan horse .History
*Amphidamas is the name of an historical king of
Chalcis , death, about 730 b.C., afterLelantine War , whose burial ceremony being associated with the poeticagon mentioned byHesiod . [Hesiod. "Works and Days ", [http://omacl.org/Hesiod/works.html 654] .]References
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