Tanzanian general election, 2005

Tanzanian general election, 2005

Tanzania held presidential and parliamentary elections on 14 December 2005. Originally scheduled for 30 October, the elections were postponed due to the death of a vice-presidential candidate. These polls were the third since the country returned to multiparty rule in 1992. They were also significant in that the incumbent President Benjamin Mkapa, who has served two consecutive terms, stepped down in accordance with the constitution. Elections for the Presidency of Zanzibar and its House of Representatives took place on 30 October, as scheduled.

Presidential candidates


*Jakaya Kikwete - Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM)
*Paul Henry Kyara - Sauti ya Umma (SAU)
*Ibrahim Lipumba - Civic United Front (CUF)
*Emmanuel Makaidi - National League for Democracy (NLD)
*Freeman Mbowe - Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA)
*Augustine Mrema - Tanzania Labour Party (TLP)
*Christopher Mtikila - Democratic Party (DP)
*Sengondo Mvungi - National Convention for Construction and Reform-Mageuzi (NCCR-Mageuzi). He is also supported by the Forum for the Restoration of Democracy (FORD), National Reconstruction Alliance (NRA), Union for Multiparty Democracy (UMD), and United People's Democratic Party (UPDP).
*Anna Senkoro - Progressive Party of Tanzania-Maendeleo (PPT-Maendeleo)
*Leonard Shayo - Demokrasia Makini (MAKINI)


*Amani Abeid Karume - Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM)
*Seif Shariff Hamad - Civic United Front (CUF)
*Haji Mussa Kitole - Jahazi Asilia
*Abdallah Ali Abdallah - Democratic Party (DP)
*Mariam Omar - Sauti ya Umma (SAU)
*Simai Abdulrahman Abdallah - National Reconstruction Alliance (NRA)

Election results

Union President


Union Parliament


Zanzibar President

Zanzibar House of Representatives

Note: A re-run of the invalidated election took place on 14 December 2005.

ee also

*History of Tanzania
*List of Tanzania National Assembly members

External links

* [http://www.uchaguzitanzania.com/ Uchaguzi Tanzania (in Swahili)]
* [http://www.ccmtz.org/ Chama Cha Mapinduzi official site (in Swahili)]
* [http://www.chadema.net/ Chama cha Democracia na Maendeleo (in Swahili)]
* [http://www.cuftz.org/ Civic United Front official site (in English/Swahili)]
* [http://www.nec.go.tz/ National Electoral Commission]

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