

NChat is an open-source communication solution created by Solid Inc. Media Productions for use over a network, or the internet. It's been in development for 3 years, and is coded in Visual Basic

The NChat Project

NChat started out in 2003 as a small network instant messenger for use at the creator's school, after it was discovered people were using Net Send, a highly inefficient method for communication. Using a newly acquired knowledge of Sockets, the project soon took off

FireStorm Network Chat

FireStorm Network Chat was in essence the first release of NChat. Using the code-name Network Chat, FNC proved popular amongst small groups, looking to communicate over a small network. It relied heavily on the User Datagram Protocol and was highly inefficient because of coding limitations. This version was scrapped, and a newer version was released.

Codename LC

This second release of NChat was built on more stable code, and sported a fancy new interface. It also addressed the problems FNC had with multiple users. Codename Latest Chat (or Codename LC, or just LC) was released as open-source to a limited few who needed it, or wanted to learn how it operated. This version enjoyed limited success on both Planet Source Code and on the [ Solid Inc. Media Productions] site

NChat Alpha

This version has enjoyed the most success out of the other NChat versions. Accidentally entitled Alpha, because of a misunderstanding, this re-write won an award on [] for its design and features. It was written with simplicity in mind, although it had an extensive list of features for the advanced user, such as AI units, kicks, bans and lots more. After 2 years in production, NChat Alpha was shelved, and work on the new NChat was started

NChat Evolution

NChat Evolution #1, Linux Build

NChat Evolution (hereafter referred to as NChat Evolution 1), was made in RealBasic, a powerful multi-platform Basic-style language. It never saw the light of day, as NChat Evolution #2, Windows Build was created under the recommendation of the former co-developer FataBirdy

NChat Evolution #2, Windows Build

NChat Evolution (NChat Evolution 2) is the current NChat (however now it's known as OpenGIS to avoid confusion) It uses TCP and VB to create a new user experience. It has increased security and uses Rijndael Encryption to ensure safety of data transmission. The current beta can be found on the [ Solid Inc. Web-site]


NChat Evolution is now called OpenGIS (Open-Source Gateway Information Services) as the application took a turn towards a commercial chat server/client combination. New features are being coded in all the time, and OpenGIS is the way forward for the NChat Foundation. It uses Multithreading technology to reduce server workloads, a new API based socket implementation to reduce dependencies, as well as heightened security and other features. OpenGIS can be found at [ The OpenGIS Foundation website]

External links

* [ Solid Inc. Media Productions]
* [ The current home of OpenGIS / NChat]
* [ NChat version 1 on]
* [ NChat version 2 on]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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