Hyperbolic set

Hyperbolic set

In mathematics, a subset of a manifold is said to have hyperbolic structure with rspect to a map "f", when its tangent bundle may be split into two invariant subbundles, one of which is contracting, and the other expanding with respect to "f".


Let "M" be a compact smooth manifold, and let f:M o M be a diffeomorphism. An "f"-invariant subset Lambda of "M" is said to be hyperbolic (or to have a hyperbolic structure) if there is a splitting of the tangent bundle of "M" restricted to Lambda into a Whitney sum of two Df-invariant subbundles, E^s and E^u, the stable bundle and the unstable bundle. The splitting is such that the restriction of Df|_{E^s} is a contraction and Df|_{E^u} is an expansion. This means that there are constants 0 and c>0 such that

:T_Lambda M = E^soplus E^u


:Df(x)E^s_x = E^s_{f(x)} and Df(x)E^u_x = E^u_{f(x)} for each xin Lambda


:|Df^nv| le clambda^n|v| for each vin E^s and n> 0


:|Df^{-n}v| le clambda^n |v| for each vin E^u and n>0.

using some Riemannian metric on "M". If Lambda is hyperbolic, then there exists an adapted Riemannian metric, that is, one such that "c"=1.

When the subset Λ is the entire manifold "M", then the diffeomorphism "f" is called an Anosov diffeomorphism.

ee also

* Hyperbolic fixed point


* Ralph Abraham and Jerrold E. Marsden, "Foundations of Mechanics", (1978) Benjamin/Cummings Publishing, Reading Mass. ISBN 0-8053-0102-X

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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