

Anuria means nonpassage of urine. But, is practically defined as passage of less than 50 milliliter of urine in a day. Anuria is inability to urinate due to failure in the function of kidneys. It may also occur because of some severe disease like stones and tumours etc and it is also called as anuresis.

It may occur with end stage renal disease.


1 Failure of kidneys function cause to anuria. 2 Urinary stones and urinary tumours both are the possible causes of anuria. 3 Some medications, chemicals, toxins are also cause to anuria. 4 Lassa fever can cause to complicated condition. 5 High blood calcium, antifreeze, bleeding, can result in to Anuria.


1 Symptoms are mostly depends upon the suppression and the length of time involved.2 It may vary on the basis of all individual. 3 Irritation is the first symptom of anuria.4 The common symptom of anuria is lack of urine.5 Lack of appetite, weakness, vomiting are also the symptoms of this disease.6 Collapse can also be seen in this disease.


1 Before treatment a urinary catheter should be use to help guide treatment.2 Mannitol is a medicine which is used to increase the blood flow to kidney and to improve its function.3 Dextrose and Dopamine both are use to produce the urine and it produce urine within 30 or 60 minutes.4 Suppression is due to mechanical obstruction require only surgical treatment.

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  • anuria — f. fisiol. Falta total o parcial de orina debido una ausencia de secreción de orina en el riñón (anuria secretoria) o por una obstrucción que impide su llegada a la vejiga urinaria (anuria obstructiva). Medical Dictionary. 2011 …   Diccionario médico

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