GYNAECEUM — vel GYNAECONITIS, Gr. Γυναικεῖον, dicebatur locus secretior in aedibus ubi solae mulieres degebant: Erat autem δίςτεγος; in superiori aedium contignatione, ut eo difficilior ad eas aditus paterer. Ita enim Didymus, Οἱ αρχαῖοι, inquit, ταῖς… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Gynaeceum — Gyn [ae]*ce um (j[i^]n [ e]*s[=e] [u^]m), Gynaecium Gyn [ae]*ci um (j[i^]n [ e]*s[imac] [u^]m), n. [L., fr. Gr. gynaikei^on women s apartments, fr. gynh a woman.] That part of a large house, among the ancients, exclusively appropriated to women.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gynaecēum — (v. gr. Gynäkonitis), 1) Wohnung der Weiber, s.u. Wohnhaus; 2) (Bot.), der weibliche Apparat od. die Pistille … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
gynaeceum — [jin΄ē sē′əm, gī΄nēsē′əm] n. pl. gynaecea [jī΄nə sē′ə, jin΄ə sē′ə] [L < Gr gynaikeion < gynaikeios, of women, feminine < gynē, a woman: see GYNO ] 1. in ancient Greek and Roman houses, the section of rooms set apart for women 2.… … English World dictionary
Gynaeceum — Der Begriff Gynaeceum bezeichnet: im Wohnhaus der griechischen Antike den Frauentrakt, siehe Gynaikonitis die Gesamtheit der Fruchtblätter der Blüten von Samenpflanzen, siehe Gynoeceum ein mittelalterliches Web und Spinnhaus, Vorläufer der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
gynaeceum — gynaeceum1 /jin euh see euhm, guy neuh , juy neuh /, n., pl. gynaecea / see euh/. (among the ancient Greeks) the part of a dwelling used by women. [1600 10; < L gynaeceum < Gk gynaikeíon, equiv. to gynaik (s. of gyné) woman + eion n. suffix of… … Universalium
Gynaeceum — Gy|nae|ce|um [gynɛ tse:um] das; s, ...ceen <aus nlat. gynaeceum> svw. ↑Gynözeum … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
gynaeceum — var. of GYNOECIUM. * * * ˌ ̷ ̷nə̇ˈsēəm see gyn noun ( s) Etymology: Latin, from Late Greek gynaikeion, from neuter of Greek gynaikeios of women, feminine, from gynaik , gynē woman, wife 1 … Useful english dictionary
Gynaeceum — The women s part of a house, rooms set aside for women only meetings or as a place of work, e.g. weaving and making wool. Cf. Distaff … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
gynaeceum — [dʒʌɪ ni:sɪəm, g ] noun (plural gynaecea) a part of an ancient Greek or Roman house set apart for women. Origin L., from Gk gunaikeion (see gynoecium) … English new terms dictionary