Jama Ali Jama

Jama Ali Jama

Jama Ali Jama ( _so. "Jaamac Cali Jaamac") was elected as president of Puntland in November 2001cite web
title=Somalia: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2005
publisher=US Department of State
Jama_ALi =Jama Ali Jama.jpg
] cite web
title=Puntland on the Verge of Civil War
publisher=Somaliland Times
] but was overthrown in May 2002 by Abdullahi Yusuf after some months in office.cite news
title=Analysis: Somalia's Powerbrokers
] Today, he is a parliamentarian of the Transitional Federal Parliament (TFP) and leads the opposition to Yusuf's policy. He was a former colonel in the Somali military. Mohamed Siad Barre, the ex-Somali president, accused Jama of trying to overthrow him and imprisoned Jama for 11 years.

He was educated in Moscow, and the Soviet Union promoted him in the late 1980s as the chief ideologue of socialism in East Africa. He belongs to the Muuse suldaan, a subclan of Cisman Mahmoud that itself is part of Majeerteen Darod.


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