- Plenist
Plenist is the name given to a person who holds the
doctrine that all space is filled with matter.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Plenist is the name given to a person who holds the
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Plenist — Ple nist, n. [L. plenus full; cf. F. pl[ e]niste.] One who holds that all space is full of matter. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
PLENIST — name given to one who holds the doctrine that all space is filled with matter … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
plenist — ple·nist … English syllables
plenist — ˈplēnə̇st noun ( s) Etymology: Latin plenus full, complete + English ist : one who maintains that there are no vacuums in nature compare vacuist … Useful english dictionary
Otto von Guericke — Otto von Guericke, engraving by Anselmus von Hulle, (1601 1674) Born … Wikipedia
Plenitudinarian — Plen i*tu di*na ri*an, n. A plenist. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Vacuist — Vac u*ist, n. [Cf. F. vacuiste.] One who holds the doctrine that the space between the bodies of the universe, or the molecules and atoms of matter., is a vacuum; opposed to plenist. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Science and British philosophy: Boyle and Newton — G.A.J.Rogers INTRODUCTION Achievements in the natural sciences in the period from Nicholas Copernicus (1473– 1543) to the death of Isaac Newton (1642–1727) changed our whole understanding of the nature of the universe and of the ways in which we… … History of philosophy
vacuist — yəwə̇st noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin vacuista, from Latin vacuum + ista ist : one who maintains that there are vacuums in nature by 1660 learned men were lining up on two opposing sides, the vacuists and the plenists American Scientist compare… … Useful english dictionary