Wilhelm Filderman

Wilhelm Filderman

Wilhelm Filderman (14 November 1882—1963) was a leader of the Romanian-Jewish community between the two wars and a representative of the Jews in the Romanian parliament.

A former classmate of Marshall and dictatorial head of state Ion Antonescu, he had a great contribution for the saving of the Romanian Jews of the Romanian Old Kingdom and Southern Transylvania. In 1943, he publicly stated his opposition to the additional taxation of the Romanian Jews, and was subsequently deported by Antonescu to Transnistria, being brought back with the help of Helena, Queen of Romania.

A Communist government was imposed by the Soviet Union during its occupation of Romania after World War II, and Filderman fled Romania and settled in France, where he died aged 81.


* [http://www.olokaustos.org/opposizione/biografie/judenrat/filderman.htm Olokaustos: Wilhelm Filderman] (in Italian)

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