- Gaian Greens
A Gaian is a radical Green who views the
ecology of the Earth'sbiosphere not only as the basis of human moral examples, but of allcognition and evensentience . Advocates of this view claim that since we live as part of one planet'sphotosynthesis chain and trapped within itsgravity well, we are effectively components of one large body—that being the global ecology of Earth itself.Another name for this
value theory is "radical values environmentalism "—individuals and societies are ways to create such a thrivingecosystem , but cannot be considered as being ends in themselves.An early advocate of this view was
Buckminster Fuller who developed theDymaxion Map of the world, the firstworld projection to show thecontinent s on a flat surface without visible distortion—and the earth as being essentially one island in oneocean . In "Critical Path", 1981, he claimed to prove that "gravity is love". Critics say this view makes humans "slaves of the Earth" and argue that human destiny is to spread out to find or form many living worlds. In contrast, some "Gaians" see such colonists as locusts or a disease, and may see all human beings as elements of a single Earth-wide ecology, if notorganism . They are often hard to differentiate from members of theNew Age movement, with which they share the goal of deep spiritual integration.Political Gaians are a relatively recent offshoot of the
ecology movement —and get their name from theGaia hypothesis , a scientific theory first developed byJames Lovelock . This holds that thebiosphere tends tohomeorhetic balance or evenhomeostasis with the implication that human beings should be working toward such balances or states.ee also
List of Green party issues
*Green politics
*Green movement
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