Vicente Antonio García de la Huerta

Vicente Antonio García de la Huerta

Vicente Antonio García de la Huerta (March 9 1734, Zafra - March 12 1787, Madrid) was a Spanish dramatist, educated at Salamanca. At Madrid he soon attracted attention by his literary arrogance and handsome person; and at an early age became chief of the National Library, a post from which he was dismissed owing to the intrigues of his numerous enemies. The publication of his unsatisfactory collection of Spanish plays entitled "Theatro Hespañol" (1785-1786) exposed him to severe censures, which appear to have affected his reason. He died at Madrid, without carrying into effect his avowed intention of reviving the national drama. His "Agamemnon vengado" derives from Sophocles, his faire is translated from Voltaire, and even his once famous "Raquel", though Spanish in subject, is classic in form.



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