List of programmes broadcast by MediaCorp TV Channel 8

List of programmes broadcast by MediaCorp TV Channel 8

This is a list of programmes produced and broadcast on Channel 8, a television channel in Singapore. Lists of programmes includes those telecast when the channel was operated by the Singapore Broadcasting Corporation, the Television Corporation of Singapore and the current operator, MediaCorp TV. Programmes broadcast but not produced by the channel are excluded from the list.

News and current affairs


*1996: Give Me A Break 老板放轻松
*1996-2001: Don't Worry Be Happy 敢敢做个开心人 (6 seasons)
*1997: My Big Brother 一家之主
*1997-1999: Different Cuts Different Strokes 剪剪大家乐 (3 seasons)
*1998: My Talkative Neighbours 我家楼下口多多
*1998: Tuition Fever 老师总是比我早
*1999-2001: Right Frequency 播音人 (3 seasons)
*2000-2001: Soho @ Work 新新关系 (2 seasons)
*2000: The Return of Liang Po Po 梁婆婆重出江湖
*2001: Adam's Company 亚当周记
*2001: The Return of Liang Ximei 笑傲江湖梁细妹
*2000-2003: School Days 七彩学堂 (3 seasons)
*2001-2002: My Genie 我爱精灵 (2 seasons)
*2002: Katong Miss Oh 加东Miss Oh (25 May)
*2002: I Not Stupid 小孩不笨 (24 August)
*2002: New Dragon's Inn 新龙门客栈 (4 January)
*2003: Lobang King 我是Lobang King (24 May)
*2003: A Toast Of Love 吃吃面包谈谈情 (11 October)
*2004: My In-Laws 我的岳父岳母 (9 February)
*2004: Family Combo (Season 1) 门当户对 (3 April)
*2005: Family Combo (Season 2) 门当户对 (26 February)
*2005: Green Pals 绿色果实 (8 March)
*2005: Oh Mother! 哎哟我的妈!(27 August)
*2006: Lady of Leisure 贤妻靓母 (29 April)
*2006: I Not Stupid Too 小孩不笨 2 (23 September)
*2007: My Dear Kin 亲本家人 (8 February)
*2008: Folks Jump Over The Wall 飞越佛跳墙 (9 January)


From 1994 to 1997, MediaCorp produced telemovies, a combination of movies and dramas. A telemovie is one episode long, and each telemovie lasts two hours including commercial time.


*1983-1990: Live From Studio One 缤纷83
*1985-1989: Perfect Match 金童玉女一线牵
*1985: Family Hour 三开时间
*1986-1990: PMS show 一家亲系列
*1991: Variety Tonight 开心五重奏
*1992: Sunday in Singapore 美丽星期天
*1993: Star Speak 星星问
*1993: Star Charade
*1994: Chew On Eight 河畔飘香尝美食
*1994: Afternoon Leisure Hour 午后闲情
*1995: Now You Know 原来如此
*1995: City Beat 成人杂志
*1998: Golden Age 黄金年华
*2000: City Network 都市新干线
*2001: Super Movie Fan Club 超级影迷俱乐部
*2001: Tonite with Chor Meng 夜猫行动
*2001: Food Glorious Food 大小通吃
*2001: Celebrity Squares 名 人 Tic Tac Toe
*2002: Who Wants To Be A Millionaire 百万大赢家
*2001: i Entertaiment i 娱 乐
*2002: Mission Malaysia 非常任务
*2002: The Mission 创业无敌手
*2002: Innocent Moment 小小儿戏
*2002: Kin-ergy 亲劲十足
*2002: One Fun Day 惊喜一整天
*2002: Sweet and Sour Talk 梁新发现
*2002: World Kitchen 美味天王
*2003: Street Smart 商场新玩家
*2003: TGIF 周五越Live越精彩
*2004: Glamour-Licious 请你吃好料 (3 April)
*2004: King Of Variety 周五娱乐王 (16 July)
*2004: Maid To Order 明星好帮手 (1 September)
*2004: Top Fun 欢乐颠峰 (25 October) (Season 7)
*2004: Star of All Trades 行行出艺人(4 November)
*2004: Say It If You Dare 有话好好说 (5 November)
*2004: Celebrity Investigation Agent 明星侦缉档案 (8 December)
*2004: My Home Cuisine 城闻饭菜香 (21 December)
*2004: Zoe's Mommy Tips 阿姐有喜了!(21 December)
*2004: Trivia Trove 不说你不知 (22 December)
*2005: Fortune Festival at Giant 爱上Giant过肥年 (22 January)
*2005: The Jetstar Asia Experience 飞行星体验 (24 February)
*2005: Life Scent 花花都市 (5 March)
*2005: I'm The One 2 也许或者有可能 II (16 March)
*2005: Top Fun 欢乐颠峰 (25 April) (Season 8)
*2005: Perfect 10 十分十全十美 (27 April)
*2005: Star Choice 街头美食星 (28 April)
*2005: Be Somebody 魅力新姿采 (28 April)
*2005: Weekend Delight 赢万金游万里 欢乐周末夜 (30 April)
*2005: Scholar of Scholars 挑战状元榜 (3 May)
*2005: 101 Shopping Guide 陪你去Shopping (16 June) (Note: English name of programme changed in the 2nd season. Rare occurrence.)
*2005: Pretty Woman 想·得·美 (29 June)
*2005: Star Run 跑吧!艺人 (25 July)
*2005: Where in Singapore? 到底在哪里? (2 August)
*2005: Quirky Foodies 餐餐有趣味 (14 September)
*2005: Home Decor Survivor 摆家乐 (14 November)
*2005: Kung Fu Chef 神厨双怪 (24 November)
*2005: I Love Shopping 陪你去Shopping 2 (29 November) (Note: English name of programme changed in the 2nd season. Rare occurrence.)
*2005: Modern TCM 现代中医
*2005: Rail Adventure 男得风光
*2005: Comedy Nite Party 搞笑行动派 (??)
*2006: Made In Singapore 出奇制胜 (19 January)
*2006: Insiders' Australia 动感澳游 (16 March)
*2006: Pretty Woman 2 想·得·美2 (21 March)
*2006: Never Say Die 永不言败 (22 March)
*2006: Thye Hua Kwan Charity Show 一心一德为善乐 (16 April)
*2006: PSC Challenge 全新普威展活力 (13 May)
*2006: The Beauty Expert 美疗专家 (1 July)
*2006: Jean Yip Beautiful People 2006 Jean Yip 魅力百分百 (13 July)
*2006: Starry Starry Nite 中新歌会(非常新加坡,燃情之夜) (23 July)
*2006: My Star Guide 我的导游是明星 (24 August)
*2006: Hey Baby! Hey Baby!幸福密码 (26 August)
*2006: Property Classified 吉屋出售 (7 September)
*2006: Scissors, Paper, Stone 宝贝今天不回家 (20 September)
*2006: HDB Tai Tai HDB 太太 (26 September)
*2006: Rail Taiwan 铁定好玩台湾游 (26 September)
*2006: A* Planner 明星特派员 (27 September)
*2006: Let’s Party With Food IV 食福满人间IV (3 November)
*2007: Home Decor Survivor 2 摆家乐2 (13 November)
*2006: PSC Nite 2006 普威之夜 (18 November)
*2006: Cash Is King 胜券在握
*2006: Who's Naughty and Nice 黑白讲 (23 November)
*2006: Battle of the Best V 强中自有强中手V (30 November)
*2006: Without Warning 防恐不乱 (5 December)
*2006: Star Chef 至尊厨王 (12 December)
*2006: Fact or Fiction? 真相大点击 (20 December)
*2006: She's The One 亮丽俏佳人 (23 December)
*2006: First Steps 宝贝,一步一步来 (25 December)
*2006: Next Stop... Bon Appetit! 下一站…吃什么 (27 December)
*2007: Supersavers 省省赢家赢新年 (12 January)
*2007: Fortune Festival at Giant 2007 爱上Giant过肥年2007
*2007: Maid To Order III 明星好帮手III ( [
*2007: Lunar New Year Special 2007 金猪贺岁庆肥年 2007 (17 February)
*2007: I Not Stupid Forum 小孩不笨, 薩才笨?
*2007: Chungking Travelogue 麻辣重庆 (28 February)
*2007: The Numbers Game 数战速决 (13 March)
*2007: Creatively Mine II 我是创新王II (2 April)
*2007: Wonder Baby 无敌宝宝斗斗乐 (4 April)
*2007: Smart Saving King Smart 省钱王 (5 April)
*2007: Get It Right 2 正是如此2 6 April)
*2007: Makeover Pte Ltd 请你来变装 11 April)
*2007: Stars Beat It! 2 王牌对王牌2 19 April)
*2007: Cash Plus Holidays 2007 赢万金, 游万里2007 12 May)
*2007: The Sheng Shiong Show 缤纷万千在晟松 13 May)
*2007: Code Red 爱上小红点 {12 June)
*2007: World Of Laughs 搞笑至尊 (2 July)
*2007: Behind Challenge 奇人创奇录 (6 July)
*2007: Where The Queue Starts 2 排排站,查查看2 (11 July)
*2007: Wanna Challenge? 2 想挑战吗? 2
*2007: Snack Attack! 超级小吃赞!
*2007: The ABCs of Water 洁净所能, 水中乐!
*2007: Giant Stars 2007 Giant 星光灿烂
*2007: When Cupid Strikes Hello 有缘人!
*2007: BRAND'S Stay Sharp Stay In Game 眼明心清我最行
*2007: Citispa Beauty Challenge 2 完美大挑战2
*2007: HDB Tai Tai 2 HDB 太太 2
*2007: Say It If You Dare 3 有话好好说3
*2007: I Love Sunday 我爱星期天
*2007: Home Décor Survivor 3 摆家乐3
*2007: The Mission 4 创业无敌手4
*2007: PSC Nite 2007 普威之夜
*2007: Good Food Fun Cook 餐餐宝餐餐好
*2007: Maria Not At Home Maria今天不在家
*2007: Snack Attack 2! 超级小吃“赞”2
*2007: Barter Trade 2 物物大交换II
*2007: The Sheng Siong Show 缤纷万千在昇菘II
*2007: The Essential LNY Guide 2008 迎春接福好过年2008
*2008: The FairPrice Show 平价与你迎旺年
*2008: Celebrations! 家有喜事
*2008: Buzzing Cashier 抢摊大行动
*2008: Food Mania 料理也疯狂
*2008: Dialect Delights 阿公阿嬷好介绍
*2008: Junior Home Décor Survivor 迷你摆家乐
*2008: King of Thrift 2 Smart省钱王 2


ee also

*List of programmes broadcast by MediaCorp TV HD5
*List of programmes broadcast by MediaCorp TV Channel 5
*List of programmes broadcast by MediaCorp TV Channel U
*List of MediaCorp Chinese series (2006)
*List of MediaCorp Chinese series (2007)

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  • List of programmes broadcast by MediaCorp Channel 8 — This is a list of programmes produced and broadcast on Channel 8, a television channel in Singapore. Lists of programmes includes those telecast when the channel was operated by Singapore Broadcasting Corporation (SBC), Television Corporation of… …   Wikipedia

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  • MediaCorp Channel U — (Channel U) Launched 6 May 2001 as SPH MediaWorks Ch …   Wikipedia

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