Guy Sorman

Guy Sorman

Guy Sorman (born March 10, 1944, Paris, France) is a French professor , columnist , author and public intellectual in economics and philosophical matters. He has written twenty books that preach the ideals of creativity and modern capitalism. He is close to classical liberalism postulates. His ideas about renewable energy and environmentalism, as expressed in his book "Progress and its enemies", are particularly controversial.He also a stroung defenser of Human rights in China ; he is committed to support democracy in many places like Turkey , Egypt ,Iran, Chile , Poland , Argentina . He is the global adviser of the South Korean President and he has held many public position in France at governemnt level.

Guy Sorman is the author of twenty books on contemporary affairs, covering the five continents. He is a regular columnist for Le Figaro in France, the Wall Street Journal and City Journal in the United States, and other publications around the world. Mr. Sorman taught economics at the Paris Institute of Political Sciences from 1970 to 2000 and at many other Universities over the globe. In 1985 , he was a visiting scholar at Stanford , Hoover Institution . He has also held several public offices, including advisor to the prime minister of France (1995-1997) and deputy mayor of Boulogne, near Paris.

He recently attended the 2008 New York Carnegie Counsel on April 9th where he talked about China and how it is socially developing as a nation, presenting his new book "The Empire of Lies" (Newly translated into English). He says "There are not 2 million Tibetans in China. There are 1 billion Tibetans in China." The idea was to show that Chinese people also suffer the same oppresion as Tibetans in his view. Like the Dalai Lama, he also does not want China to be boycotted for the Olympics.Sorman's next book on Economy as a science ( Economics doen't lie will be published mid 2009 , by Encouter New York.


* "l'Economie ne ment pas" (2008) (The Economy Does Not Lie)
* "l'Année du Coq" (2006) (The year of the Rooster: Chinese and rebels)
* "L'empire des mensonges" (2006) (The Empire of Lies: China in the 20th Century)
* "Made in USA" (2005)
* "le Progrès et ses ennemis" (2001) (Progress and its Enemies)
* "Sortir du socialisme" (1990) (The Departure of Socialism)
* "les Vrais Penseurs de notre temps" (1989) (True Thinkers of Our Time)
* "la Nouvelle Richesse des nations" (1987) (The New Riches of Nations)
* "l'État minimum" (1985) (The Minimum State)
* "la Solution libérale" (1984) (The Liberal Solution)
* "la Révolution conservative américaine" (1983) (The American Conservative Revolution).The Genius of India ( 2000 )In search of Moderate Islam ( 2003)America : in Search of Happiness ( 2008)

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