

Riedel (pronounced "Rhee-dl"), is a manufacturer of high-quality wine glasses and related glass products based in Kufstein, Austria.

Riedel is the originator of the concept of having many different glasses with characteristics designed to enhance specific types of wines. These range from the short, narrow-mouthed port glass, holding around 250 mL, to the balloon-shaped Burgundy glass, capable of holding an entire bottle of wine. In theory, the different shapes direct the wine to different parts of the mouth, emphasizing the best characteristics of the class of wines. Another characteristic of Riedel glasses is that they are designed to hold a small amount of wine relative to the volume of the glass, allowing the aroma of the wine to collect in the bowl. Typically a normal "glass of wine" will occupy about a third or less of a Riedel stem.

The handmade mouth-blown crystal wine glass collection, Riedel Sommelier, is regarded as the finest in the world by many wine professionals. The critic Robert M. Parker, Jr. says, "The finest glasses for both technical and hedonistic purposes are those made by Riedel. The effect of these glasses on fine wine is profound. I cannot emphasize enough what a difference they make." While the product line started with the Sommelier series (which has earned its place in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York), it also now includes significantly less expensive machine blown-crystal as well as ordinary glass. The principle of specialized stemware having been firmly established by Riedel's keen design sense and marketing, similar glasses are now widely available from other manufacturers.

Riedel's latest releases include the "O" collection of varietal-specific stemless wine glasses and the Vitis and Tyrol range (Tyrol being introduced to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Riedel being in the Austrian Tyrol, where they relocated to, following WW2).The Riedel business was founded in 1756 in Bohemia and has been in the ownership of the same family ever since. In 2004 Riedel acquired the F X Nachtmann Group and, with it, one of its biggest rivals at the time, Spiegelau.

ommeliers Glassware

The Sommeliers line was introduced in 1973 initially with 10 sizes and changed the world of wine glasses. More than simply wine glasses the Sommeliers collection are touted as precision instruments. Each piece is hand-made and mouth-blown with over 24% lead crystal. Riedel claimed to have perfected the science of wine tasting by perfecting the shape of a wine glass. When served in different wine glasses the same wine displayed completely different characteristics. The differences were so great that experienced connoisseurs were made to believe that they were tasting different wines.The Burgundy Grand Cru glass (which holds 37 oz.) was developed in 1958 and is displayed in the New York Museum of Modern Art.

Red Wine Glasses

*Bordeaux Grand Cru
*Burgundy Grand Cru
*Tinto Reserva
*Zinfandel/Chianti Classico
*Mature Bordeaux

White Wine Glasses

*Riesling Grand Cru
*Chablis (Chardonnay)
*Grüner Veltliner

Champagne Glasses

*Vintage Champagne
*Sparkling Wine

Water Glasses


Fortified Wine Glasses

*Vintage Port
*Tawney Port
*Cognac XO
*Cognac VSOP
*Single Malt Whisky

pirit Glasses

*Orchard Fruit
*Stone Fruit

Tasting Glasses

*Blind Tasting Glass
*Stemless Tasting Glass

Vinum Extreme Glassware

Vinum Extreme is Riedel’s latest development in the machine-made “Gourmet Glass Concept.”This series represents the steady improvement and development of wine making into more perfect, more dense and more concentrated wines. This called for Riedel to develop new shapes.
*Pinot Noir
*Ice Wine

Vinum Glassware

Introduced in 1986, Vinum was the first machine-made series of glasses in history to be based exclusively on the characteristics of quality, reasonable price and wide distribution. Similar to the exclusive Sommeliers collection, Vinum also emphasizes the science of the glass shape in the wine tasting experience and are over 24% lead crystal.

Red Wine Glasses

*Brunello di Montalcino
*Kalterer See Auslese

White Wine Glasses

*Cuvée Prestige
*Sauvignon Blanc/Dessert Wine
*Riesling Grand Cru
*Chablis (Chardonnay)
*Montrachet (Chardonnay)

pirit Glasses

*Daiginjo (1999)
*Grappa (1996)
*Spirits (1997)
*Cognac Hennessey
*Single Malt Whisky

Other Glasses

*Tasting Glass

"O" Glassware

*Rieslin/Sauvignon Blanc
*Saké Taster Glass
*H2O Classic Bar Water
*H2O Classic Bar Whisky
*H2O Classic Bar Longdrink/Beer
*Limited Edition Pink O Champagne Glass to benefit Breast Cancer Survivors:

Amadeo Glassware

*Long Drink
*Amadeo Decanter

Grape Glassware

*Pinot Noir/Nebbiolo

Ouverture Glassware

*Red Wine
*White Wine

Wine Glassware


Vivant Glassware (Target Exclusive)

Vivant is a line of cheaper glassware developed exclusively for the Target retail stores.
*Red Wine
*White Wine
*Pinot Noir
*Wheat Beer
*Champagne Flute
*Double Old Fashioned


The Vinum, Vinum Extreme, Sommeliers, Grape, Vitis and Tyrol series and most decanters are 24% lead crystal, while the Ouverture, Wine, Vivant and O series are free of lead.


In 2004, Gourmet Magazine reported that "Studies at major research centers in Europe and the U.S. suggest that Riedel’s claims are, scientifically, nonsense." The article states further evidence from Yale researcher Linda Bartoshuk, saying that the idea of the "tongue map," claimed by Riedel to be an important part of their research, does not exist. According to Bartoshuk, “Your brain doesn’t care where taste is coming from in your mouth ... And researchers have known this for thirty years.” [http://www.gourmet.com/magazine/2000s/2004/08/shattered_myths?printable=true Gourmet: Shattered Myths] By Daniel Zwerdling, "Gourmet Magazine", August 2004]

The effect of wine tasting better from a more expensive glass or vintage has been attributed to the placebo effect. Work done by Frédéric Brochet in 1998 showed that when subjects were given two identical glasses of wine and told that one was a mass-market wine, and the other a famous, more expensive wine, results showed that subjects preferred the "famous" wine. Said Frédéric, "... their expectations... can be much more powerful in determining how you taste a wine than the actual physical qualities of the wine itself.” [http://www.academie-amorim.com/us/laureat_2001/brochet.pdf Tasting: Chemical object representation in the field of consciousness] Frédéric Brochet, 1998]

ee also

*Sake set


External links

* [http://www.riedel.com/ Riedel's corporate home page]
* [http://www.riedel.co.uk/ Riedels Official UK home page and online store]

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