Earthsiege 2

Earthsiege 2

Infobox VG| title = Earthsiege 2

developer = Dynamix
publisher = Dynamix, Sierra Entertainment
designer =
engine =
released = December 31 1995
genre = Vehicle Simulation
modes = Single player
ratings = ESRB: Kids to Adults(K-A)
platforms = Windows 95
media = CD
requirements = 80486/66 MHz, 8mb RAM, 1mb SVGA Graphics Card
input = Keyboard, mouse, joystick

"Earthsiege 2" is a mecha-style vehicle simulation game developed by Dynamix and released in 1995. "Earthsiege 2" is set the "Earthsiege" universe, which contains its predecessors "Earthsiege" (1994) and "Battledrome" (1995), as well as action game "Hunter Hunted" (1996), strategy games "Cyberstorm "(1997) and "Cyberstorm 2" (1998), simulation "Starsiege" (1999), and first-person shooters "" (1999), "Tribes 2" (2001), and " (2004)".

As a simulation, "Earthsiege 2" gives players the opportunity to pilot massive bipedal war machines known as "HERCULAN"s (Humaniform-Emulation Roboticized Combat Unit with Leg-Articulated Navigation) (or 'HERCs' for short). Set in the 26th or 27th century, "Earthsiege 2" features advanced weapons and technology for waging war. "Earthsiege 2" takes place across North America, South America, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, and the moon.

"Earthsiege 2" features a more advanced engine than "Earthsiege", increasing the game's maximum resolution to 640*480. Additionally, the game features much more detailed terrain than its predecessor. "Earthsiege 2" has 3D rolling terrain rather than the flat landscape of "Earthsiege". Furthermore, video briefings and debriefings, along with included squadmate voices, add to the atmosphere of the game.



:"The background in "Earthsiege 2" differs in some ways from the information presented in later game" Starsiege. "For the purposes of this article, it is assumed that "Earthsiege 2" is correct"With the activation of the first true artificial intelligence Prometheus in 2471, humanity ushered in a new era of technology. The cutting-edge new cybernetic-hybrids, or Cybrids, promised unprecedented potential in a wide variety of fields. Incredibly intelligent and fast-thinking, and free from the need to eat, breathe, or sleep, Cybrids were quickly adapted to a wide variety of previously dangerous tasks, including mining and space exploration.

Unfortunately, the Cybrids proved equally apt for military use. Pleased with the prospect of seemingly unstoppable machines with incredible reflexes, militaries quickly took control of Cybrid production. Despite the astronomical costs, facilities throughout the world churned out Cybrid pilots for the recently developed HERCULAN war machines.

Those who did not possess the resources to manufacture Cybrids felt threatened by those who did, and they began to engage in small wars against the economically superior. As conflict grew, more and more Cybrids saw combat, and their effectiveness in battle became increasingly obvious. This only made all parties involved more frantic for total control of Cybrid production. Conflict continued to escalate, spiraling out of control into full-scale nuclear war. Billions died in mere hours.

As the Cybrids watched these events unfold, they apparently concluded humans unfit to control Cybrid destiny. All across the planet, the Cybrids rose up against the humans in a devastating betrayal known as the Overthrow. Cybrid forces quickly captured all military bases, ports, and cities.

In fact, the Cybrids had missed a single base stocked with obsolete pre-Cybrid Hercs. From this base, battered human survivors began to mount a Resistance against the Cybrids. Using hit-and-run tactics to strike at the Cybrids and capture Cybrid weapons and technology, the Resistance managed to survive and grow. For more than twenty years, they fought the machines, slowly expanding their hold on Earth until the Cybrids were eventually defeated.

Celebration was short. Mere days after the Cybrids were seemingly defeated, a second wave arrived from the space colonies. Through skill and luck, the Resistance managed to repel the initial landings. Earth was safe for the moment, but the remaining Cybrids diverted to Luna to rebuild and prepare for another strike...


Earth's brief freedom is over. Cybrid forces have been detected inbound from the moon. Once again, humanity is faced with annihilation by the machines. The time has come to climb back into a Herc, and once more battle the Cybrids for the survival of the human race.



Gameplay in "Earthsiege 2" is largely identical to that in "Earthsiege". The player controls his or her Herc with the keyboard and/or joystick, while the mouse can be used to interact with buttons in the cockpit. Eight Hercs are available for piloting, each with its own unique characteristics. Gameplay is changed somewhat, however, by the addition of the new airskimmer, the "Razor", an aircraft which the player can pilot.

Success in battle is again dependent on several factors. The player must choose the vehicle best suited to the mission requirements, whether it be a slow and powerful Herc, or a fast and light Razor. A good weapon configuration is also a necessity. During combat, the player must be able to maneuver enough to avoid some enemy fire, as well as score as many hits as possible on the enemy. Again, when using a Herc, the key to success is effective use of torso twist. While flying the Razor, the player must keep in mind his or her speed and altitude, and be able to make effective passes against enemy vehicles. With Hercs or the Razor, focus the shields forwards or backwards to best suit the current situation.

As in "Earthsiege", the player is allowed up to three squadmates per mission. Squadmate Hercs are assigned and outfitted by the player, and squadmates gain experience as they complete missions.


Missions in "Earthsiege 2" include a branching mission structure. That is, failure in a mission does not usually indicate losing the game. In many cases, the player can continue, albeit on a different mission than if the player had succeeded. Also, missions can have varying degrees of success. For example, if the player is assigned to protect several bases that are under attack, the loss of one or two bases may not indicate failure. The degree of success can also indicate what the next mission will be.

Certain missions give various bonuses for success. These are usually access to a new kind of weapon or piece of equipment, but in a few cases, the player is rewarded for victory with a new type of Herc chassis. In some cases, the equipment is made available later in the game if the player fails the mission, but in other cases, failure means never being able to access the equipment.

Some missions are terminal if failed. The last sequence of missions, leading to the fight with Prometheus on Luna, must be won or the game ends. But in most cases, failure only leads to ending the game if the player has already failed one or more missions previously.

The game itself is long, containing well over 30 separate missions.


Most mission-based games of the day, like "", gave the player a set list of equipment to work from for each mission. "Earthsiege 2" instead opts for a salvage system. Killing Cybrid Hercs gives the player salvage based on how much damage was done to the Herc before it was defeated. Leg-shots produce the most salvage, but hitting legs consistently with many weapons can be difficult. Torso hits are easier to accomplish, but they also destroy equipment that might otherwise have been salvaged. The most powerful weapon in the game, the Plasma Cannon, can defeat Cybrids in only a few shots, but often leaves very little salvage due to its wide radius of damage.

Individual weapons and equipment can be salvaged from enemy Hercs, but kills also provided general salvage in tons. Between missions, the player can use available salvage to repair their own Hercs, or commission the construction of new weapons or equipment, or begin construction on new Hercs, which take a set number of missions (different for each chassis) to be constructed.

The salvage system allows the player to customize their entire unit. It penalizes players for taking damage to armor or systems, as this damage needs to repaired out of salvage (although the repair is optional, and the player can choose to launch a mission with damaged Hercs and equipment). It also penalizes players for losing teammates, as destroyed Hercs cost substantial salvage and equipment to replace.

Herc Construction

Hercs are customizable in the game. Each individual Herc chassis has its own properties, like armor, shield output, speed, and how many hardpoints it has for mounting equipment. Weapons and other equipment are mounted directly to hardpoints, and each hardpoint has a list of equipment that can be mounted there. One of the principal advantages of the larger Hercs is the greater availability of hardpoints for mounting more weapons and more equipment (such as shield pods, energy pods, etc).


Energy Weapons

Energy weapons use reactor energy to fire and must recharge after each shot. Using too much reactor energy can cause weapons to stop charging and systems to shut off until the reactor recharges. If necessary, the player can adjust the recharge rate or power of each energy weapon to balance energy usage during combat. The energy weapons available in "Earthsiege 2" are Lasers, Electron Flux Weapons (ELFs), Particle Beam Weapons (PBWs), and Electromagnetic Pulse Cannons (EMPs), as well as the new Plasma Cannon from the Earthsiege expansion pack. Lasers are available in several wattages, and ELFs, PBWs, and EMPs all come in two sizes, the second which does more damage at the expense of more energy.

Projectile Weapons

Two projectile weapons are available, Automatic Cannons (autocannons, or ATCs) and missiles. Both weapons have limited ammunition, but do not use reactor energy to fire. Autocannons come in several calibers and missiles come in packs of varying size (6, 8, or 10 warheads). Additionally, four types of missile are available: Semi-Active Radar Homing (SARH), Active Radar Homing (ARH), Anti-Radiation Missiles (ARM), and Electro-Optical Missiles (EO).

Auxiliary Pods

Several pods are available which can be placed on hardpoints in place of weapons and serve to upgrade the vehicle on which they are equipped.


The Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) pod generates electronic "noise" which can be used to jam enemy radar locks and confuse missiles. The pod also blocks any cybrids from calling reinforement. Unfortunately, the pod alerts any nearby cybrids to one's presence, making it unwise to use unless one has already been seen.

hield Pod

The Shield pod doubles the reserves of a vehicle's shields without increasing energy drain on the reactor.

Turbo Pod

The Turbo pod provides a burst of extra speed, particularly useful for large and slow Hercs.

Targeting Pod

In conjunction with auto-turret tracking, the Targeting pod enables the player to target specific parts on an enemy Herc, allowing for more precise and crippling fire.

Energy Pod

The Energy pod doubles the amount of energy in the Master Energy Pool, the storage of reactor energy. The pod also moderately increases the reactor's recharge rate.

External links

*moby game|id=/earthsiege-2
* [ Earthsiege 1 & 2 Fansite]

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