LaTasha Jenkins

LaTasha Jenkins

LaTasha Jenkins (born December 19, 1977) is a former American sprinter. Having won international medals on the 200 metres only, she won a silver medal at the 2001 World Indoor Championships and a silver medal at the 2001 Outdoor Championships.

She does in fact hold a world record, as a member of the American 4x200 m Relay team who ran 1:27.46 on April 29, 2000 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the other team members being LaTasha Colander-Richardson, Nanceen Perry and Marion Jones. Note that 4x200 m is not a regular track event and not a part of the program for any major international championship.

According to the Chicago Tribune in August 25, 2006, Jenkins had her A sample fail in a drugs test taken in late July that year. The discovered substance was nandrolone. This has been denied by her controversial coach Trevor Graham, involved in the BALCO scandal in 2003. []

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