Rathke's pouch

Rathke's pouch

Infobox Embryology
Latin =
GraySubject = 275
GrayPage = 1277

Caption = Sketches in profile of two stages in the development of the human digestive tube.

Caption2 =
CarnegieStage = 10
Precursor =
GivesRiseTo = anterior pituitary
System =
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = p_31
DorlandsSuf = 12662673

In embryogenesis, Rathke's pouch is a depression in the roof of the developing mouth in front of the buccopharyngeal membrane. It gives rise to the anterior pituitary, a part of the endocrine system.


The pouch eventually loses its connection with the pharynx giving rise to the anterior pituitary. The anterior wall of Rathke's pouch proliferates, filling most of the pouch to form "pars distalis" and "pars tuberalis". The posterior wall forms "pars intermedia".

In some organisms (humans being a notable exception), the proliferating anterior wall does not fully occupy Rathke's pouch, leaving a remnant (Rathke's cleft) between the "pars distalis" and "pars intermedia".

Clinical significance

Rathke's pouch may also persist as cysts (craniopharyngioma) within the "pars intermedia".


It is named for Martin Rathke. [WhoNamedIt|synd|3564] [M. H. Rathke. Entwicklungsgeschichte der Natter (Coluber natrix). Königsberg, Bornträger, 1839.]


External links

* [http://www.cushings-help.com/endo42.gifDiagram at cushings-help.com]
* http://www.lib.mcg.edu/edu/eshuphysio/program/section5/5ch2/s5ch2_2.htm

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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