

Loftus refers to:

*Adam Loftus (Archbishop) (1533–1605), Irish Archbishop. Lord Chancellor of Ireland, first provost of Trinity College, Dublin
*Adam Loftus, 1st Viscount Loftus (1568–1643), Lord Chancellor of Ireland in 1619
*Amy Loftus (contemporary), American singer
*Cecilia Loftus (1876–1943), Scottish burlesque performer and actress
*Elizabeth Loftus (b. 1944), American psychologist and author
*John Loftus (b. 1950), American author, former US government prosecutor, and former Army intelligence officer
*Johnny Loftus (1895–1976), American horse racing jockey
*Loftus Dudley Ward (contemporary), Canadian naval chief petty officer elected to the Legislative Assembly of Alberta in 1945
*Loftus William Jones (1879–1916), English recipient of the Victoria Cross
*Lord Augustus Loftus (Lord Augustus William Frederick Spencer Loftus) (1817–1909), Governor of New South Wales, Australia 1879–1885
*Seán Dublin Bay Rockall Loftus (b. 1927), Irish barrister, politician, and environmentalist
*Thomas Loftus (b. 1917), former Chairman of Leinster Gaelic Athletic Association
*Thomas M. Loftus (b.1970)American Author,bass guitar player in the band rectalfury
*Tom Loftus (1856–1910), American professional baseball player and manager
*William Loftus (1820–1858), British geologist, naturalist, explorer, and archaeological excavator

*Loftus, New South Wales, suburb in Sydney, Australia
*Loftus, North Yorkshire, town in North Yorkshire, England

*Loftus Hall, building in County Wexford, Ireland, that is said to have been haunted by the devil
*Loftus Road, football stadium in London, the home ground of Queens Park Rangers
*Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria, South Africa

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  • Loftus [2] — Loftus, Augustus William Frederick Spencer, Lord, engl. Diplomat, geb. 4. Okt. 1817, seit 1858 Gesandter in Wien und an verschiedenen deutschen Höfen, 1868 beim Norddeutschen Bunde, 1871 79 in Petersburg, 1879 85 Gouverneur von Neusüdwales, gest …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Loftus — 32°02′47″S 151°02′49″E / 32.04639, 151.04694 …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Loftus — This interesting surname is English, but arguably of pre 7th century Old Norse origins. It is a locational name from any of the various places in the county of Yorkshire named with the word lotht , meaning an upper floor, and hus , a house. These …   Surnames reference

  • Loftus Hall — is a large mansion house on the Hook peninsula, County Wexford, Ireland that is said to have been haunted both by the devil and by the ghost of a young woman. The Redmond family built the original building in about 1350 during the time of the… …   Wikipedia

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