Le Temps du Loup

Le Temps du Loup

Infobox Film
name = Le Temps du Loup

caption = Promotional poster for "Le Temps du Loup"
director = Michael Haneke
producer = Michael Katz,
Veit Heiduschka,
Margaret Ménégoz
writer = Michael Haneke
starring = Isabelle Huppert,
Béatrice Dalle,
Patrice Chéreau
music =
cinematography = Jürgen Jürges
editing = Nadine Muse,
Monika Willi
distributor = Les Films du Losange (France, theatrical),
Palm Pictures (USA, theatrical)
released = 2003
runtime = 110 min
country = flagicon|FranceFrance & flagicon|AustriaAustria & flagicon|GermanyGermany
language = French
budget =
preceded_by =
followed_by =
website = http://www.wolfzeit.at/
amg_id = 1:286739
imdb_id = 0324197

"Le Temps du Loup" (English title "Time of the Wolf") is a dystopian post-apocalyptic drama film, directed by Austrian director Michael Haneke. It was released theatrically in 2003.Set in an unnamed European country at an undisclosed time, the film follows the story of a family: Georges (Daniel Duval), Anne (Isabelle Huppert) and their two children Eva (Anaïs Demoustier) and Ben (Lucas Biscombe).


A disaster of some type has occurred, of which the audience only knows that uncontaminated water is scarce and livestock have to be burned. Fleeing the city, the family arrive at their country home, hoping to find refuge and security, only to discover that it is already occupied by strangers. In the ensuing confrontation, Georges is killed and most of the family's belongings are seized. The film follows the remaining family members as they seek shelter and food in a world without government or laws.


The film was screened in 2002 in the Cannes Film Festival, outside of competition. (Patrice Chéreau, a member of that year’s jury, stars in the film, which made the film ineligible for any award.) The film takes its title from Codex Regius, an ancient Germanic poem which describes the time before the Ragnarök, the end of the world. The film also stars Olivier Gourmet and Serge Riaboukine.

External links

* [http://www.palmpictures.com/film/time-of-the-wolf/ Official Website]
*imdb title|id=0324197|title=Le Temps du loup

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