141 Lumen

141 Lumen

Infobox Planet
discovery_ref = [http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/lists/NumberedMPs.html]
physical_characteristics = yes
name=141 Lumen
discoverer=P. P. Henry
discovered=January 13, 1875
mp_category=Main belt
orbit_ref = [http://asteroid.lowell.edu]
epoch=March 6, 2006 (JD 2453800.5)
semimajor=398.786 Gm (2.666 AU)
perihelion=313.194 Gm (2.094 AU)
aphelion=484.378 Gm (3.238 AU)
period=1589.717 d (4.35 a)
avg_speed=18.03 km/s
dimensions=130 km [http://www.psi.edu/pds/archive/astdata04/simps04/diamalb.tab Supplemental IRAS Minor Planet Survey] ]
mass=~1.6×1018 "(estimate)"
density=~1.4 g/cm³ "(estimate)"See Georgij A. Krasinsky et al "Hidden Mass in the Asteroid Belt", Icarus, Vol. 158, p. 98 (2002), for density estimates]
surface_grav=~0.025 m/s² "(estimate)"
escape_velocity=~0.06 km/s "(estimate)"
rotation=0.820 d (19.67 h) [ [http://www.psi.edu/pds/archive/lc.html PDS lightcurve data] ]
temp_name1 = Kelvin
mean_temp_1 = ~173
max_temp_1 = 275
temp_name2 = Celsius
max_temp_2 = +2°

141 Lumen is a dark (C-type), large rocky asteroid 130 km in diameter orbiting in the Main belt near the Eunomia family of asteroids. It is not, however, physically related to the group, being of the wrong spectral class. Fact|date=March 2008Yet, NASA continues to categorize it as a main-belt asteroid. [ [http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi#top JPL Small-Body Database Browser ] ]

It was discovered on January 13, 1875 by the brothers Paul Henry and Prosper Henry, but Paul is the one who was given the credit for this discovery. It is named for "", a book by the astronomer Camille Flammarion. [ Schmadel Lutz D. Dictionary of Minor Planet Names (fifth edition), Springer, 2003. ISBN-10: 3540002383.]

Richard P. Binzel and Schelte J. Bus further added to the knowledge about this asteroid in a lightwave survey published in 2003. This project was known as Small Main-belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey, Phase II or SMASSII, which built on a previous survey of the main-belt asteroids. The visible-wavelength (0.435-0.925 micrometre) spectra data was gathered between August 1993 and March 1999. [Bus, S., Binzel, R. P. Small Main-belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey, Phase II. EAR-A-I0028-4-SBN0001/SMASSII-V1.0. NASA Planetary Data System, 2003.]

Lightcurve data has also been recorded by observers at the Antelope Hill Observatory, which has been designated as an official observatory by the Minor Planet Center. [ [http://www.antelopehillsobservatory.org/index_files/Page334.htm Lightcurve Results ] ]


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