Dankwart Rustow — Dankwart Rustow. Dankwart Alexander Rustow (December 21, 1924 August 3, 1996) was a professor of political science and sociology. He is perhaps best known as the father of transitology, a school of thought in the field of democratization studies … Wikipedia
German reunification — This article is about the 1990 German reunification. For the 1871 German Empire, see Unification of Germany. Map showing the division of East and West Germany, with West Berlin in yellow. German reunification (German: Deutsche Wiedervereinigung) … Wikipedia
Regime change — is the replacement of one regime with another. Use of the term dates to at least 1925.[1] Regime change can occur through conquest by a foreign power, revolution, coup d état or reconstruction following the failure of a state. Regime change may… … Wikipedia
Democratization — Voting is an important part of the democratic process. Democratization (or democratisation) is the transition to a more democratic political regime. It may be the transition from an authoritarian regime to a full democracy, a transition from an… … Wikipedia
List of politics topics — NOTOC TopicTOC Politics This is a list of political topics, including political science terms, political philosophies, political issues, etc. Politics is the process by which groups of people make decisions. Although the term is generally applied … Wikipedia
Delegitimisation — is the process which undermines or marginalises an entity by presenting value judgments as facts which are construed to devalue legitimacy.[1] It is a self justifying mechanism.[2] In 1975, delegitimization became a kind of buzz word when then… … Wikipedia
ЭКОНОМИКА ПЕРЕХОДНОГО ПЕРИОДА — 1) экономика страны или стран, находящихся в процессе экономической трансформации, т.е. перехода от одного состояния социально экономической системы к качественно иному состоянию. Э.п.п. (economy in transition) обладает рядом специфич.… … Финансово-кредитный энциклопедический словарь
Т — Таблица капитализации (capitalization table) Такса ( local price) Таксономия [taxonomie] Таможенная декларация (Customs declaration) Таможенная очист … Экономико-математический словарь
Транзитология — [Transitology] — см. Экономика переходного периода … Экономико-математический словарь
Экономика переходного периода — Экономика переходного периода — 1. Экономика страны или стран, находящихся в процессе экономической трансформации, т.е. перехода от одного состояния социально экономической системы к качественно иному состоянию [economy in transition]. … Экономико-математический словарь