Constantin Guys

Constantin Guys
La Loge de l'opéra by Constantin Guys.

Constantin Guys, Ernest-Adolphe-Hyacinthe-Constantin, (Vlissingen December 3, 1802 - Paris Dec. 13, 1892) was a Crimean War correspondent, water color painter and illustrator for British and French newspapers. Baudelaire called him the "painter of modern life," and wrote a long essay on Guys in which he extensively praised his works, under the pseudonym "Monsieur G".[1] Robert de Montesquiou wrote a review[2] of Guys that acknowledged Baudelaire's essay, compared Guys favorably to Whistler, and emphasized his portrayal of details of women's clothing, and horse carriages.[3] His subjects were Second French Empire life. In the Dutch novel "Au pair" by W.F. Hermans, one of the main characters is fascinated by Constantin Guys.


  1. ^ Baudelaire, Charles, Le Peintre de la vie moderne, 1863.
  2. ^ "Fragments sur Constantin Guys", Le Gaulois, 18 April 1895.
  3. ^ Munhall, Edgar, Whistler and Montesquiou. The Butterfly and the Bat, The Frick Collection/Flammarion, New York, 1995, p. 128.

Further reading

  • Constantin Guys, 1802-1892. [Exhibition] June-July 1956. London: Marlborough Fine Art, Ltd.
  • Geffroy, Gustave (1920). Constantin Guys, l'historien du Second Empire. Paris: G.Crès.
  • Koella, Rudolf (1989). Constantin Guys. [Winterthur] : Kunstmuseum Winterthur.
  • Roger-Marx, Claude (1954). Constantin Guys, 1802-1892. Paris: Braun.
  • Smith, Karen, W. (1978). Constantin Guys. Crimean War Drawings 1854-1856. Cleveland (Ohio): Cleveland Museum of Art.


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