

B-staging is a process that utilizes heat or UV light to remove the majority of solvent from an adhesive, thereby allowing construction to be “staged.” In between adhesive application, assembly and curing, the product can be held for a period of time, without sacrificing performance.

Attempts to use traditional epoxies in IC packaging often created expensive production bottlenecks, because as soon as the epoxy adhesive was applied, the compenents had to be assembled and cured immediately. B-staging eliminates these bottlenecks by allowing the IC manufacturing to proceed efficiently with each step performed on larger batches of product.


* Advanced Packaging, [http://ap.pennnet.com/Articles/Article_Display.cfm?Section=Articles&Subsection=Display&ARTICLE_ID=234465 UV B-Stage Technology Provides Process & Performance Advantages]

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  • Staging — may refer to: * Staging (rocketry) * Cancer staging * Staging (theatre) * Staging (stagecoaches), the business of running stagecoaches or the act of journeying in them * Staging area, an area used to prepare a military mission or a war * Staging… …   Wikipedia

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  • staging post — noun A regular point of call on an air route • • • Main Entry: ↑stage * * * staging post, British. staging area. »France is the principal staging post between the Orient and the United States in the opium chain (Manchester Guardian Weekly). * * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • staging post — n a place where people, planes, ships etc stop on a long journey, for example to rest or get supplies ▪ a staging post on the flight from Australia …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • staging — ► NOUN 1) an instance or method of staging something. 2) a stage or set of stages or platforms for performers or between levels of scaffolding. 3) Brit. shelving for plants in a greenhouse …   English terms dictionary

  • staging base — staging area or staging base noun A point for the assembly of troops en route for an operation • • • Main Entry: ↑stage …   Useful english dictionary

  • Staging — Sta ging (st[=a] j[i^]ng), n. A structure of posts and boards for supporting workmen, etc., as in building. [1913 Webster] 2. The business of running stagecoaches; also, the act of journeying in stagecoaches. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Staging — [ßte̱ids̶c̶h̶ing; zu engl. stage = Bühne; Gerüst; Stadium] s; s, s: die Einstufung einer bösartigen Geschwulst in bezug auf den Grad ihrer Bösartigkeit anhand ihrer Ausbreitung …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

  • staging area — staging .area n a place where soldiers meet and where military equipment is gathered before it is moved to another place …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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