Alejandra Pizarnik

Alejandra Pizarnik

Alejandra Pizarnik (April 291936-September 251972) was an Argentine poet.

Life and Work

She was born to Russian Jewish immigrant parents in Buenos Aires, Argentina. A year after entering the department of Philosophy and Letters at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Pizarnik published her first book of poetry, "La tierra más ajena" (1955). Soon after, she studied painting with Juan Batlle Planas. Pizarnik followed her debut work with two more volumes of poems, "La última inocencia" (1956) and "Las aventuras perdidas" (1958).

From 1960 to 1964 Pizarnik lived in Paris. There she worked for the journal "Cuadernos", sat on the editorial board of the magazine Les Lettres Nouvelles, and participated in the Parisian literary world. Pizarnik also attended a variety of courses at the Sorbonne, including contemporary French Literature. She died in Buenos Aires of a self-induced overdose of seconal.

Words in life

*"The Land Far Beyond"("La tierra más ajena") (1955)
*"The Last Innoncence" ("La última inocencia," 1956)
*"The Lost Adventures" ("Las aventuras perdidas",1958)
*"The Tree of Diana " ("Árbol de Diana", 1962)
*"The Works and the Nights ("Los trabajos y las noches", 1965)
*"The Extraction of the Stone of Madness"("Extracción de la piedra de locura") (1968)
*"The Musical Hell"("El infierno musical") (1971)
*"The Bloody Countess"("La condesa sangrienta") (1971)

election of Essays and Reviews

*"Humor y poesía en un libro de Julio Cortázar." Revista Nacional de Cultura [Caracas] 25.160 (1963): 77-82.
*"'El ojo' de Alberto Girri." Rev. Sur [Bs. As.] 291 (1964): 84-87.
*"El verbo encarnado." Sur 294 (1965): 35-39.
*"Silencios en movimientos." Sur 294 (1965): 103-106.
*"Una tradición de la ruptura." La Nación [Bs. As.] (June 26 1966).
*"Sabios y poetas." Sur 306 (1967): 52-55.
*"Dominios ilícitos." Sur 311 (1968): 91-95.
*"Nota de relectura de 'Nadja'. La muchacha del Bosque." Imagen [Caracas] 32 (1968).
*"Notas sobre un cuento de Cortázar: 'El otro cielo'." Imagen 25 (1968): 5-6.
*"'La motocicleta' de André Pieyre de Mandiargues." Sur 320 (1969): 101-104.
*"The Bloody Countess. (1968)" The Oxford Book of Gothic Tales, ed. Chris Baldick. Oxford University Press: 466-477.

External links

* [ Alejandra Pizarnkik Home Page] (Spanish)
* [ Alejandra Pizarnik] (Spanish)
* [ CVC.Alejandra Pizarnik] (Spanish)
* [ Alejandra Pizarnik] (English)


*"Unmothered Americas: Poetry and universality", Jaime Rodriguez Matos,dissertaion, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY; Faculty Advisor: Gustavo Perez-Firmat, 2005.

*"Arbol de Alejandra: Pizarnik Reassessed," (monograph) by Karl Posso and Fiona J. Mackintosh, 2007.
*"La Disolucion En La Obra de Alejandra Pizarnik: Ensombrecimiento de La Existencia y Ocultamiento del Ser," by Ana Maria Rodriguez Francia, 2003.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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