

Bomboniere (Italian) also known as "favors," are gifts given out on special occasions to the guests.They traditionally contain five sugared almonds which, for wedding, symbolise health, wealth, happiness, fertility and long life.

Bomboniere can be made in many forms using several different ingredients.

Sugared almonds are put inside a bag made of tulle or satin and tied with ribbons in assorted colors. The colour of sugared almonds is white for a wedding, First Communion or Confirmation; pink or light-blue for birthday or Baptism of a baby girl or baby boy, respectively, red for a graduation, and silver or gold for 25 or 50 year anniversaries.

Often they are adorned with dried natural flowers or artificial flowers made of silk or paper. The bag is often given stored inside a small vessel made of silver, crystal or porcelain.

A different and new type of bomboniera is the Favor Cake or "Torta Bomboniera" as it is called in Italy.

They are made using little carton box forming one or more tier of a "cake". Inside each box there are the sugared almonds and a card printed with the data of ceremony (names, date etc.).On each box there are glued several types of fine objects made of many materials.

Some samples are below, for various ceremonies:

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