

Infobox Game
players = 4+
setup_time = 1 minute
playing_time = As short/long as players choose
complexity = Medium
strategy = Easy

skills = Speed, Focus

Shoulders is drinking game that involves players competing in a fast paced game attempting to "count" to 21.


*2 Arms

et up

Players form a circle. Preferably around a table

Game Play

*The game begins with a player slapping his left/right shoulder, this starts the count at 1.
*Depending on which shoulder is hit, the player to that immediate side of the slapper then slaps their right/left shoulder and calls out "2"
*The Count continues until the group reaches 21.

pecial Slaps

Special Slaps occur at a predetermined number to increase difficulty and creativity to the game.
*Common numbers for special slaps are:
** 7,11,17 & 21
***They usually occur in pairs (7&17)(11&21)
*Common S.S's are:
** Point(7)/Double point(17)= A player points to the person to go next while calling out the correct number
***The pointer CAN pick players NOT to their immediate left/right.
** High Cross(11)/Low Cross(21)= A player overlaps their arms (think like a genie but with space between)and depending on whether it is a high/low cross that predetermined hand indicates which player (to his left/right) continues.
***The current slapper can only go to his immediate left/right w/ the high/low cross
*If the game is set to end with a special slap, the player counting off 21 must act out the special slap even though there is no 22.


The count resets and a player must drink when:
*He/she slaps out of turn
*Counts off the incorrect number
*Fails to recognize it is their turn
*Fails to execute the Special Slaps

Getting to 21

If/When you get to 21, the group celebrates with a waterfall.


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