- Baby video
Baby videos are educational tools which can be used for teaching babies as young as six months, introducing the
alphabet , different sights,shape s andcolor s,number s andcounting . Baby videos can be used for helping babies learn important educational skills, comprehension, introduction to the environment, as well asmusic . Some parents use baby videos to help develop their kids motor skills and open their young minds to the world. Certainpreschool s, educators and care givers find baby videos to be a useful tool.Several baby videos are available in the market today including videos which introduce letters, music videos or videos that teach babies to communicate when they are young such as signing videos.
The use of baby videos is not without criticism. Frederick Zimmerman and Dr. Dimitri Christakis of the
University of Washington published a study in2007 that called the positive learning effect of the videos questionable, and say that they may in fact limit the language learning abilities of toddlers. [ [http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1650352,00.html?cnn=yes Time.com "Baby Einsteins: Not So Smart After All"] ] They claim babies are drawn to the videos due to the rapid scene changes causing anorienting reflex .References
ee also
Infant education
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.