Amikeca Reto

Amikeca Reto

Amikeca Reto ('Friendship Network') is a directory of people around the world who do not necessarily want to host other Esperanto speakers, but want to work together and exchange ideas with others around the world.

In many respects it is similar to the Pasporta Servo but places a greater emphasis on the cultural and educational value of such visits as hosts are willing to discuss issues and arrange visits to workplaces, clubs, associations etc and generally introduce the visitor to their way of life.

It was created in 1987 during the annual congress of Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda (SAT) in Boulogne. It is a non-profit organization under the general control of SAT.

It publishes a bi-annual handbook which continues to grow and develop. The latest edition 2002-3 contains more than 400 addresses in 40 countries. The handbook can also be used to find pen-friends and collaborators for projects and to find partners for exchanges.

External links

* [ La Amikeca Reto ]
* [ Pasporta Servo]
* [ SAT]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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