France Info

France Info

France Info ("Info" being an abbreviation for the French "Informations", or News) is a French public news radio station, part of the Radio France group. It is the major news radio station in France, and is available across the country, broadcasting world news 24 hours.


France Info was founded in 1987 by Roland Faure and Jérôme Bellay. Year on year, its audience grew, notably after the social conflicts of 1995, 2003, and 2006. Frequently, it is estimated to be the fourth national radio network in terms of listener numbers, behind RTL, NRJ and France Inter.

France Info has offices in Paris, Lyon, Marseille, and Toulouse. In other areas the France Bleu network is used.

Corespondants and presenters

*Christophe Lurie, (Beirut correspondant)
*Jacques Monin (London correspondant)
*Sophie Auvigne
*Frédéric Beniada
*Gilles Bessec
*Olivier Bost
*Didier Charpin
*Éric Chataignon
*Anne Chepeau
*Olivier De Lagarde
*Sophie Duault
*Raphaëlle Duchemin
*Olivia Ferrandi
*Laurence Jousserandot
*Emmanuel Langlois
*Valéry Lerouge (20h - 23h)
*Jean Leymarie
*Dominique Loriou
*Claude Meinau
*Pierre Neveux
*Franck Noblesse
*Armand Peyrou-Lauga
*Catherine Pottier
*Agnès Soubiran
*Bernard Thomasson (17h - 20h)


FM radio

*Bar-le-Duc 104,5 MHz
*Bastia 105,5 MHz
*Bayonne/Pic de la Rhune 105,5 MHz
*Blois 105,5 MHz
*Brest/Roc'h Trédudon 105,5 MHz
*Charleville-Mézières 105,9 MHz
*Clermont-Ferrand/Puy-de-Dôme 105,5 MHz
*Épinal 106,5 MHz
*Gex/Genève/Annemasse 101,1 MHz
*Le Mans/Mont-Mayet 105,5 MHz
*Le Puy-en-Velay 105,5 MHz
*Lille/Bouvigny 105,2 MHz
*Longwy 104,3 MHz
*Lyon 103,4 ou 105,4 MHz
*Marseille 105,3 MHz
*Menton 105,5 MHz
*Metz 106,8 MHz
*Mulhouse 105,5 MHz
*Mont-de-Marsan 105,5 MHz
*Montpellier 105,1 MHz
*Nancy 105,9 MHz
*Nantes 105,5 MHz
*Nevers 105,5 MHz
*Nice 105,7 MHz
*Nîmes 105,1 MHz
*Paris/Eiffel Tower 105,5 MHz
*Perpignan 105,1 MHz
*Reims 105,5 MHz
*Rennes/Saint-Pern 105,5 MHz
*Strasbourg 104,4 MHz
*Toulon 105,8 MHz
*Toulouse 105,5 MHz
*Verdun 106,3 MHz

AM radio

* Lyon Tramoyes 603 kHz; power: 300 kW
* Rennes Thourie 711 kHz; power: 300 kW
* Limoges Nieul 792 kHz; power: 300 kW
* Nancy Nomeny 837 kHz; power: 300 kW
* Toulouse Muret 945 kHz; power: 300 kW
* Bordeaux Néac 1206 kHz; power: 100 kW
* Marseille Réaltor 1242 kHz; power: 150 kW
* Lille Camphin 1377 kHz; power: 300 kW
* Brest Quimerc'h 1404 kHz; power: 20 kW
* Dijon Boudrinnée 1404 kHz; power: 5 kW
* Grenoble Saint-Nizier 1404 kHz; power: 20 kW
* Pau Billère 1404 kHz; power: 20 kW
* Bayonne 1494 kHz; power: 4 kW
* Besançon Battant 1494 kHz; power: 5 kW
* Clermont-Ferrand Ennezat 1494 kHz; power: 20 kW
* Nice Plateau de Fontbonne 1557 kHz; power: 150 kW

External links

* [ France Info] fr icon
* [ France Info live streaming in mp3] fr icon

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