Mario Adorf

Mario Adorf
Mario Adorf

Mario Adorf in 2005
Born 8 September 1930 (1930-09-08) (age 81)
Zürich, Switzerland

Mario Adorf (born 8 September 1930) is a German film and stage actor, best known for his lead role in the 1978 film The Tin Drum.



Adorf was born in Zürich, Switzerland, the child of an Italian surgeon and a German doctor. His first appearance on-screen was in the 1961 film 08/15, in which he took on the role of a German nurse. He rose to fame in Europe, and particularly Germany, and also made appearances in international films, including Ten Little Indians and Smilla's Sense of Snow. He also played a small role in the BBC adaptation of John le Carré's Smiley's People as a German club owner. In Italy he was the main protagonist of the Zu Gino TV series (1985), as well as a number of movies.

In 1970, he married Lis Verhoeven. The couple had a child, Stella, prior to their divorce. He starred with Barbara Bouchet in Milano Calibro 9 in 1972. In 1985, he married Monique Faye. Adorf remains very active in German shows, television, and theatre.

Adorf still regrets that he refused parts in Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather and Billy Wilder's One, Two, Three. He also turned down the role of General Mapache in Sam Peckinpah's The Wild Bunch (1969), because he felt the character was too violent. In 1996, he provided the German dubbing voice for the character Draco in Dragonheart, a role performed by Sean Connery in the James bond.


Selected filmography

See also


External links

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