La Corbière

La Corbière

La Corbière (Jèrriais: "La Corbiéthe") is the extreme south-western point of Jersey in St. Brelade. The name means "a place where crows gather", deriving from the word "corbîn" meaning "crow". The crows, however, have long since been displaced from their coastal nesting sites by seagulls.

Sited on the headland overlooking the lighthouse is a monument sculpted by Derek Tristram and erected in April 1997 to commemorate a rescue that took place. The accompanying plaque describes the event:

:"During the morning of Monday April 17th 1995 whilst on passage from Jersey to Sark, the French catamaran "Saint-Malo" struck a rock known as La Frouquie, 900 metres north of La Corbière Lighthouse. Visibility was good at the time, but with a Spring tide ebbing to the west and a westerly Force 5 wind, the sea conditions near Corbière were moderate to rough."

:"Emergency services responded promptly and nearby ships gave assistance. All 307 passengers and crew were saved from the partially submerged vessel."

:"This memorial is erected in thanksgiving and as a tribute to the rescue, which with the help of God and of many strong arms, ensured the safe return of all on board."

Also on the headland is a communications tower built by the German occupying forces during the Second World War. The tower was used until 2004 by Jersey Radio, marine radio for shipping.

La Corbière was formerly the terminus of the western railway line from Saint Helier. The first through train ran from Saint Helier to La Corbière on August 5 1885. The service was unable to compete against motor buses and the railway closed in 1935. The States of Jersey purchased the railway track on April 1 1937 and created a trail now known as the Railway Walk, linking La Corbière and Saint Aubin for pedestrians and cyclists. The former railway platform can still be seen at the end of the Railway Walk at La Corbière and just opposite on the other side of the trail is La Table des Marthes, a megalith. The table-like stone was used historically as a meeting place for the witnessing of contracts and it is conjectured that the name is a corruption of "la table des martyres" ("martyr" being intended in its meaning of "witness"). Other theories have been put forward to explain the name and purpose of this stone.

The rocks and extreme tidal variation around this stretch of Jersey's coast have been treacherous for navigation and La Corbière has been the scene of many shipwrecks, including the mail packet "Express" on September 20 1859.


The lighthouse at La Corbière is one of the most photographed landmarks in Jersey, a popular Tourist site for its panoramic views, and at dusk a congregating point for many people who want to see the finest sunsets in Jersey.

It was lit on 24 April 1874 for the first time, and was the first lighthouse in the British Isles to be built of reinforced concrete. The lighthouse was built to designs by Sir John Coode.

The lighthouse tower is 19m (62ft) high and the lamp stands 36m (119ft) above high water spring tides. The beam has a reach of 18 miles, and was automated in 1976.

The lighthouse is situated on a rock which is a tidal island. A causeway links the lighthouse to shore at low tide. There is an alarm to warn visitors to clear the causeway as the tide rises, however there have been casualties among the unwary or unlucky. A plaque adjacent to the causeway commemorates Peter Edwin Larbalestier who was drowned on 28 May 1946 while trying to rescue a tourist stranded by the tide.

The lighthouse at La Corbière features on the Jersey 5 pound note (see Jersey pound) and the Jersey 20 pence piece (see coins of the Jersey pound)


The prominence of La Corbière, especially for travellers by sea for whom rounding the rocky waters around the headland often means the roughest part of the journey from Guernsey or England but also the consolation that the boat is entering the final straight towards the harbour of St. Helier, has led to several proverbial expressions in Jèrriais:

* "j'avons pâssé La Corbiéthe" (we've passed La Corbière, i.e. the worst is over)
* "il a pâssé hardi dg'ieau l'tou d'La Corbiéthe" (a lot of water has passed round La Corbière, i.e. that's water under the bridge)


* "A Chronology of Jersey", Mollet, Jersey 1954
* "Dictionnaire Jersiais-Français", Le Maistre, Jersey 1966

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