- Water Hole
SETI , the Water Hole is the band of radio frequencies between 1420 MHz and 1640 MHz. This is the band between thehydrogen line and the strongesthydroxyl spectral line, and is notable because it is a quiet region between two notable frequencies; it is theorized that this would be a good band for communications to or fromextraterrestrial intelligence s.The term was coined by
Bernard Oliver . The combination ofhydrogen and hydroxyl yieldswater (the "water" part of the name); the "hole" part refers to the sudden drop in radio noise within this band. The term also serves as a pun as it has been theorised that extraterrestrial species would use this band as a commonly recognised communication channel (in English a watering hole is avernacular reference to a common place to meet and talk).Several SETI programs, including
SETI@home search in the Water Hole.References
* [http://seticlassic.ssl.berkeley.edu/about_seti/radio_search_2.html SETI: The Radio Search (page 2)]
* [http://www.setileague.org/general/waterhol.htm "What Is the Water Hole"] (has a cleaner diagram)
* [http://www.planetary.org/html/UPDATES/seti/HIW1.htm "Why does SETI@home search at this particular frequency?"]
* [http://science.howstuffworks.com/seti1.htm How SETI Works] Discusses the water hole.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.