Vincent Lübeck

Vincent Lübeck

Vincent Lübeck (c. September 1654, Padingbüttel (near Bremen) - February 9 1740, Hamburg) was a German composer and organist.


His father (also named Vincent) was organist; his name certainly comes from the city Lübeck, an important commercial and musical centre in the north of Germany. He spent part of his youth in Flensburg. He became organist in Stade in 1675 where he acquired a great reputation as organist, composer, teacher and expert. In 1702 he was appointed at the Saint Nicolas church in Hamburg. This church had one of the most beautiful organs of the world, built by the famous Arp Schnitger. (The organ was completely destroyed during the fire of Hamburg in 1842.) Johann Sebastian Bach heard both Lübeck and Johann Adam Reincken playing when he vistited the city in his youth: in his early organ works the influence of those two organists is manifest. Vincent Lübeck kept this job until his death, at the end helped by his son (also named Vincent).


Despite his long career, only a few of his works have been preserved, like:
* The monumental choral "Ich ruf zu Dir Herr Jesu Christ";
* six « preludes and fugues »

Lubeck composed also 4 cantatas and a motet concertant and several pieces for the harpsichord (clavier-ubung) including a suite in G major.


* Syré, Wolfram. "Vincent Lübeck : Leben und Werk." Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 2000. ISBN 3631364237. In German.
* German: Rubardt, P. "Vincent Lübeck: sein Leben, seine Werke, nebst Nachrichten über seine Familie und Beiträge zur Geschichte der Kirchenmusik in Stade und Hamburg im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert". U. of Leipzig, diss., 1922. In German.

External links

*WIMA|idx=Luebeck|name=Vincent Lübeck
* [ Willkommen, süßer Bräutigam (free sheet music)]

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