

Bhavabhuti was an 8th century scholar of India noted for his plays and poetry, written in Sanskrit. His plays are considered equivalent to the works of Kalidas. Bhavabhuti was born in a Deshastha Brahmin family of Padmapura, Vidarbha, central India, in Gondia district, on Maharashtra and MP border. His real name was "Srikantha Nilakantha", and he was the son of Nilakantha and Jatukarni. He received his education at 'Padmapawaya', a place some 42 km SW of Gwalior.Paramhans dnyananidhi is known to be his guru. He composed his historical plays at 'Kalpi', a place on banks of river Yamuna.He is believed to have been the court poet of King Yashovarman of Kannauj. Kalhana, the 12th century historian, places him in the entourage of the king, who was defeated by Lalitaditya, King of Kashmir, in 736 AD.

Ignorance by government

Though Bhavabhuti and Kalidasa, both the great cultural legends lived in 8th century, Kalidasa is comparatively more widely known by the people. This is mainly because of governments policy that lacks the unbiased approach towards preserving and promoting cultural heritage and respective awareness. Maharashtra state's budget for financial year of 1988-89, government had declared funds of Rs 10 million for a statue of Bhavabhuti, but the actual funds have not been utilized for this purpose so far. Since the fund was declared for the statue of Bhavabhuti but it seems to be utilized in the development of Kali Temple which is under our former finance minister of Maharashtra Shri Mahadeoraoji Shionkar now MLA.

People's love for cultural heritage and litrature

People in the region where this scholar lived, are quite well aware of his contribution to society and concerned about preserving his memories.Late Laxmanrao Mankar guruji named his education society as "Bhavbhuti Education Society" in 1950.Yashodabai Rahile founded "Bhavbhuti Mandal" (community) in 1996.O.C. Patel published a book "Bhavbhuti ab geeton mein" (Bhavbhuti, now in his songs), he also has published some audio CDs and cassettes to keep the legends memories alive.State's local TV channel, Sayhyadri and E TV Marathi telecasts some documentaries on the life of this great poet. People and some non profit groups have erected a few statues in the region where the poet belongs to.


The play is set in the city of Padmavati. The king desires that his minister's daughter Malati marry a youth called Nandana. Malati is in love with Madhava ever since she saw him and drew his portrait. Madhava reciprocates, and draws a portrait of her in turn. Malati suspects her father's motives in falling in with the King's plans for her. A side plot involves the lovers' friends Makaranda and Madayantika. The latter is attacked by a tiger, and Makaranda rescues her, getting wounded in the process. After numerous travails, all ends well, with the two couples uniting.


*Mahaviracharita (The story of highly courageous), depicting the early life of Rama
*Malatimadhava a play based on the romance of Malati and Madhava
*Uttararamacharita (The story of Rama's later life), depicts Rama's coronation, the abandonment of Sita, and their reunion

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