Haltdalen stave church

Haltdalen stave church

Haltdalen stave church (Haltdalen stavkirke) is a stave church now at Sverresborg museum in Trondheim, Norway. The church was probably built in the 1170's.

The church at display is a rebuild of two churches, Ålen and Haltdalen. The western wall and the portal is from the Ålen church.

This is a single-nave stave church of the east Scandinavian-style, and the only one preserved.

External links

* [http://www.stavkirke.org/stavkirker/haltdalen.html Haltdalen stave church in Stavkirke.org] — in Norwegian
* [http://www.sverresborg.no/english/psmaler/template2_inbounce.asp?thisId=1034835286 The Haltdalen Stave Church] — in English

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