

Al- Ansi is an ancient and prolific Arab tribe, originating in the Hadhramaut region of Yemen. After the final breach of the Great M'arib Dam about 570, a number of tribe members spread across the Arabian Peninsula.Members of this tribe are mostly situated in Ans, Yemen today, with tribe members resident in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, and Kuwait.

Famous members of the Al-Ansi tribe include:

#Ammaar Bin Yassir Al-Ansi - Of Aal-Yassir, whose mother was the first woman to be publicly tortured for embracing Islam. Yassir Al-Ansi fled Yemen to Mecca in hopes of prosperity, after his band of al-Ansis were hijacked and killed.
#Al-Aswad Al-Ansi - Notoriously known for claiming to be the new prophet from god. A wealthy charismatic man, who ruled his band of al-Ansis (Banu Middhij of Hadhramout), and convinced them to believe he was a prophet of god.
#Muhammad Ahmad Abdallah Al Ansi - a citizen of Yemen, held in extrajudicial detention in the United States Guantanamo Bay Naval Base detention facility, in Cuba. His detainee ID number is 029.

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