Jacob Söderman

Jacob Söderman

Jacob-Magnus (Jacob) Söderman (born 19 March 1938 in Helsinki, Finland) is a Finnish MP since September 2007 (and earlier in 1972-82). Söderman was Minister of Justice (1971), Minister of Social Affairs and Health (1982), governor of province of Uusimaa (1982-89), Parliamentary Ombudsman of Finland (1989-95) and the first European Ombudsman (1995-2003).

Söderman was the President of the Council for Mass Media in Finland in 2003-2005, a Member of the Board of the University of Helsinki 2004-2006 and Member of the Group of Wise Persons 2005-2006.


* Grand Cross of Bernardo O'Higgins Decoration confered by Chile 1993
* Grand Cross of the Lions Decoration of Finland 1995
* European Information Association Award for Achievement in European Information 1996
* Honorary Doctorate of Political Sciences, Åbo Academy, Finland 1998
* Honorary Doctorate in Law, University of Lapland 1999
* Special Award for the European Ombudsman's Contribution to Dissemination of Information by the Ministry of Education of Finland 2000
* Alexis de Tocqueville Prize, European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) 2001
* Knight of the French Legion of Honour 2002
* Snellman Prize, Finnish Periodical Publishers Association 2002
* Expatriot of the Year Award 2003
* Consumer of the Year Award, The Finnish Consumers' Association 2005
* Codex medaljen 2006
* Chydenius Prize 2006
* Finnish Humanist Union Prize 2007
* Nordic Administrative Union/Finnish association Prize 2007

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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