- Wilhelm Normann
Wilhelm Normann (
January 16 ,1870 ,Petershagen -May 1 ,1939 ,Chemnitz ) (sometimes also spelled "Norman") was a Germanchemist who introduced thehydrogenation offat s in 1901, creating what later became known as trans fats. This invention, protected by German patent 141,029 in 1902 had a profound influence on the production ofmargarine and so-calledvegetable shortening .Life
His father, Julius Normann, was principal of the elementary school and
Selekta inPetershagen . His mother's name was Luise Normann, (born Luise Siveke).chool education
Normann attended preschool starting
31 March 1877 . At Easter of his sixth grade he moved to the "Friedrichs Gymnasium" inHerford . After his father applied for a teacher's job at the municipal secondary school inKreuznach , Wilhelm changed to the royal secondary school in Kreuznach. He passed his graduation examination at the age of 18 and left school.Early years
A few days after leaving school, he entered the
Herford machine fat and oil factory "Leprince & Siveke " on7 April 1888 . The founder of that company was his uncle,Wilhelm Siveke .tudies
After running the Herford company, located in the freeport of
Hamburg , for two years, he started studying chemistry at the laboratory of ProfessorCarl Remigius Fresenius inWiesbaden . In the meantime he was an unpaid employee in the brown coal industry inZeitz for half a year. From April 1892 Normann continued his studies at the department of oil analytics in the "Königlichen Mechanisch-technischen Versuchsanstalt (Royal Mechanical-Technical Research Institute) inBerlin-Charlottenburg " under the supervision of ProfessorD. Holde . From 1895 - 1900 he studied chemistry under supervision of Prof. Claus and Prof. Willgerod and geology under supervision of Prof. Steinmann at the Albert Ludwigs University ofFreiburg . There he received his doctorate in 1900 with a work about "Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Reaktion zwischen unterchlorigsauren Salzen und primären aromatischen Aminen" (Contributions to the knowledge of the reactions ofhypochlorite salts and primaryaromatic amines ).Personal life
Normann married Martha Uflerbäumer [ [http://www.gymnasium-am-waldhof.eu/lesestuecke/Abitur1914.html (picture, lower right)] ] of Herford on
12 September 1916 .On
January 1 1939 Normann retired. He did not enjoy his retirement for long. On the1 May 1939 Wilhelm Normann died after an illness in theKüchwald hospital inChemnitz . He was entombed on5 May 1939 in the family grave on the old cemetery on Hermannstrasse in Herford.Work
In 1901 Normann was appointed to correspondent of the federal geological institute.
From 1901 - 1909 he was leading the laboratory and made his investigations of the fats and oils at the "Leprince & Siveke" company in Herford.
In 1901 Normann heard about
Paul Sabatier publishing an article, [Chemiker-Zeitung, 25, Nr. 13, S. 136 (1901)] in which Sabatier states that only with vaporizable organic compounds it is possible to bind thecatalytic hydrogen to fluidtar oils. Thereupon Normann investigated for himself and could disprove Sabatier's opinion. He was able to transform liquidoleic acid into solidstearic acid by the use of catalytichydrogenation with dispersednickel . This was also the precursor of fat hardening.On
27 February 1901 Normann invented what he called fat hardening.On the
14 August 1902 the Kaiserlicht Patentamt (German Imperial patent office) granted the patent 141,029 to the applicant "Herforder Maschinenfett & Oelfabrik, Leprince & Siveke in Herford": "Verfahren zur Umwandlung ungesättigter Fettsäuren oder deren Glyceride in gesättigte Verbindungen". OnJanuary 21 1903 Normann was granted patent|GB|190301515|"Process for Converting Unsaturated Fatty Acids or their Glycerides into Saturated Compounds".During the years 1905 to 1910 Normann built a fat hardening facility in the Herford company. At the same time the invention was extended to a large scale plant in
Warrington ,England at "Joseph Crosfield & Sons, Limited.". It took only two years until the hardened fat could be successfully produced for the time in the plant in Warrington, commencing production in the autumn of 1909. The initial year's production was nearly 3000 tonnes. [ [http://www.dgfett.de/history/normann/nr_fiedler.htm Normann bio (in German)] ] [ [http://www.jmcatalysts.com/pct/marketshome.asp?marketid=12&id=129 Normann bio (in English)] ]For 1911 – 1922: Normann was scientific director of "Ölwerke Germania" (Germania oil factory)in
Emmerich am Rhein , which was established by the DutchJürgens company.From 1917 on, Normann built the fat hardening factory and also put it into operation in
Antwerp for themargarine factory "SAPA Societe anonyme des grasses, huiles et produits africaines", which operated inIndia , as technical director by order of theBelgian Colonial Society.On
25 April 1920 he filed for German patent 407180 "Verfahren zur Herstellung von gemischten Glyceriden.", approved9 December 1924 [http://depatisnet.dpma.de German Patents] ]On
25 April 1920 Dr Wilhelm Normann filed for German patent 407180, "Verfahren zur Herstellung von gemischten Glyceriden.", approved9 December 1924 .On
26 June 1920 theFirma Oelwerke Germania and Dr Wilhelm Normann filed for German patent 417215, "Verfahren zur Umesterung von Fettsaurestern.", approved27 September 1925 .From 1924 - 1927 Normann was also consultant for fat hardening facilities for foreign companies.
30 October 1926 Volkmar Haenig & Comp, Metallochemische Werk Rodlebe and Dr Wilhelm Normann filed for German patent 564894, "Elektrisch beheizter Etagenroester ", approved24 November 1932 .On
May 14 1929 He applied for German patent 582266 "Verfahren zur Darstellung von Estern", approvedAugust 11 1933 .Awards
8 June 1922 : Award of theLiebig-Denkmünze by theVerein Deutscher Chemiker .
*February 1939: Application of the award of the honorary doctor of natural sciences (Dr. rer. nat. h. c.) by the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the senate of the UniversityMünster inWestfalen .
*1939: Award of the honorary membership of the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fettforschung" (DGF; German Society for Fat Research), today Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fettwissenschaft (German Society for Fat Science), Münster.In commemoration of the inventor of fat hardening the DGF donated the
Wilhelm Normann Medal on15 May 1940 . Since 1940 it has been irregularly awarded.Normann is also the
eponym of the Wilhelm-Normann-Berufskolleg.ee also
Timeline of hydrogen technologies References
External links
* [http://www.cyberlipid.org/glycer/glyc0011.htm Portrait and life]
* [http://www.dgfett.de/history/normann/llauf.htm Chronology of his life, in German]
* [http://www.dgfett.de/history/normann/nr_fiedler.htm Life history, in German]
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