- Emily Chang
Emily Chang (born
January 7 ,1972 ) is an Americanweb design er andblogger currently living inSan Francisco . She is the co-founder ofIdeacodes , a web design consultancy inSan Francisco and the creator of the blog and web resource, eHub.Web design
After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the College of William and Mary in 1995, Chang went on to pursue graduate work in fine art at the University at Buffalo. There, Chang started work as a web designer in 1996 as the first interface and information designer of the Electronic Media Unit. She graduated with a Master of Fine Arts degree in 2000. She went on to become a Web Director at Cornell University, helping launch their first entrepreneur network. In 2005, Chang co-founded Ideacodes in San Francisco with partner, Max Kiesler. Since then, she has design and developed
web sites ,blogs , portals, and web products for technology companies, educational institutions, startups, technology firms, non-profits, art and media organizations and organizations such as Stylehive, Gigaom,Six Apart (makers ofMovable Type andTypePad ),Massachusetts Institute of Technology ,Hewlett Packard and theSierra Club .In 2004, Chang was awarded the
SXSW 2004 Web Awards for her weblog,artcodes . Two University at Buffalo websites launched with Emily's designs and won consecutive Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) grand gold awards: the external eUB website redesign in 2002 and the alumni website in 2003. Her design of a university portal gained distinction asIBM Best Practices Partner and won the WebDevShare Award for Innovation in Technology in 2001. Her internet work has also garnered Web Marketing Association's best education website, numerous CASE awards, and aUCDA Gold award.References
* [http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/04/technology/04link.html?_r=1&scp=3&sq=noam+cohen&st=nyt&oref=slogin Emily Chang quoted in the New York Times]
* [http://www.emilychang.com/go/about/ About Emily Chang]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.